How to Chain Three Asynchronous Calls Using Jquery Promises

Chaining Multiple Optional Async Ajax Requests

Instead of using the .success method, use the .then method and return data to its success handler:

function getUserPromise() {
var promise = $http
.then( function successHandler(result) {
//return data for chaining
return promise;

Use a service instead of $rootScope:

app.service("myService", function($q, $http) {

this.loadAppData = function(fetchOptions) {

//Create first promise
var promise = $q.when({});

//Chain from promise
var p2 = promise.then(function(appData) {
if (!fetchOptions.user) {
return appData;
} else {
var derivedPromise = getUserPromise()
.then(function(user) {
appData.user = user;
//return data for chaining
return appData;
return derivedPromise;

//chain from p2
var p3 = p2.then(function(appData) {
if (!fetchOptions.pricing) {
return appData;
} else {
var derivedPromise = getPricingPromise()
.then(function(pricing) {
appData.pricing = pricing;
//return data for chaining
return appData;
return derivedPromise;
        //chain from p3
var p4 = p3.then(function(appData) {
if (!fetchOptions.billing) {
return appData;
} else {
var derivedPromise = getBillingPromise()
.then(function(user) {
appData.billing = billing;
//return data for chaining
return appData;
return derivedPromise;

//return final promise
return p4;

The above example creates a promise for an empty object. It then chains three operations. Each operations checks to see if a fetch is necessary. If needed a fetch is executed and the result is attached to the appData object; if no fetch is needed the appData object is passed to the next operation in the chain.


myService.loadAppData({user: true, pricing: true})
//execute view logic.
}).catch(functon rejectHandler(errorResponse) {
throw errorResponse;

If any of the fetch operations fail, subsequent operations in the chain will be skipped and the final reject handler will be called.

Because calling the .then method of a promise returns a new derived promise, it is easily possible to create a chain of promises. It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs. -- AngularJS $q Service API Reference - Chaining Promises

How to dodge jQuery promises completely when chaining two async jQuery functions?

You can adopt either of two approaches ...

Convert then combine :

var p1 = Promise.resolve($.getJSON(url_1, params_1)); // voila 1!
var p2 = Promise.resolve($.getJSON(url_2, params_2)); // voila 2!
var p3 = Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(...);

Combine then convert :

var p1 = $.getJSON(url_1, params_1);
var p2 = $.getJSON(url_2, params_2);
var p3 = Promise.resolve($.when(p1, p2)).then(...); // voila 1 and 2!

Straightforwardly, either approach will give you a native ES6 promise, p3, that resolves when both the jQuery promises resolve, or is rejected when either one of the promises fails.

However, you are probably interested in the results of the two getJSON() calls, and jQuery is awkward in this regard. jQuery's jqXHR promises pass multiple parameters to their success and error callbacks, whereas an ES6 promise will accept just one; the rest will
be disregarded. Fortunately, it's fairly simple to bundle the multiple params together to make a single object. This has to be done in jQuery prior to conversion to ES6.

The "convert then combine" code expands as follows :

var p1 = Promise.resolve($.getJSON(url_1, params_1).then(
function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
return { data:data, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return { jqXHR:jqXHR, textStatus:textStatus, errorThrown:errorThrown };
var p2 = Promise.resolve($.getJSON(url_2, params_2).then(
function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
return { data:data, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return { errorThrown:errorThrown, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
var p3 = Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(
function(results) {
// results[0] will be an object with properties .data, .textStatus, .jqXHR
// results[1] will be an object with properties .data, .textStatus, .jqXHR
function(rejectVal) {
// rejectVal will be an object with properties .errorThrown, .textStatus, .jqXHR

The "combine then convert" approach is slightly trickier as the combined results appear (in jQuery) as an arguments list, which itself needs to be converted (still in jQuery) to an Array.

var p1 = $.getJSON(url_1, params_1).then(
function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
return { data:data, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return { errorThrown:errorThrown, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
var p2 = $.getJSON(url_2, params_2).then(
function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
return { data:data, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return { errorThrown:errorThrown, textStatus:textStatus, jqXHR:jqXHR };
var p3 = Promise.resolve($.when(p1, p2).then(function() {
return [];// <<< convert arguments list to Array
function(results) {
// results[0] will be an object with properties .data, .textStatus, .jqXHR
// results[1] will be an object with properties .data, .textStatus, .jqXHR
function(rejectVal) {
// rejectVal will be an object with properties .errorThrown, .textStatus, .jqXHR

DEMO: resolved

DEMO: rejected

Chaining jQuery promises through callbacks

I'm probably reinventing the wheel. But I haven't found this wheel anywhere else. Where is it?

It even has a similar name: the .then() method! It's the main idea of promises actually. ->
.then ->
if x
.always ->

How to chain ajax calls using jquery

With a custom object

function DeferredAjax(opts) {
DeferredAjax.prototype.invoke=function() {
var self=this, data={};
console.log("Making request for [" + + "]");

return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: "wait.php",
data: data,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(){
console.log("Successful request for [" + + "]");
DeferredAjax.prototype.promise=function() {
return this.deferred.promise();

var countries = ["US", "CA", "MX"], startingpoint = $.Deferred();

$.each(countries, function(ix, country) {
var da = new DeferredAjax({
country: country
$.when(startingpoint ).then(function() {
startingpoint= da;


To be a bit more clear, the last lines could be written

c1=new DeferredAjax( {country:"US"} );
c2=new DeferredAjax( {country:"CA"} );
c3=new DeferredAjax( {country:"MX"} );

$.when( c1 ).then( function() {c2.invoke();} );
$.when( c2 ).then( function() {c3.invoke();} );

With pipes

function fireRequest(country) {
return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: "wait.php",
data: {country:country},
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(){
console.log("Successful request for [" + country + "]");

var countries=["US","CA","MX"], startingpoint=$.Deferred();

$.each(countries,function(ix,country) {
startingpoint=startingpoint.pipe( function() {
console.log("Making request for [" + country + "]");
return fireRequest(country);

Edit : A fiddle outputting the log in the result window

Each pipe call returns a new promise, which is in turn used for the next pipe. Note that I only provided the sccess function, a similar function should be provided for failures.

In each solution, the Ajax calls are delayed until needed by wrapping them in a function and a new promise is created for each item in the list to build the chain.

I believe the custom object provides an easier way to manipulate the chain, but the pipes could better suit your tastes.

Note : as of jQuery 1.8, deferred.pipe() is deprecated, deferred.then replaces it.

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