How to Use Jquery to Style /Parts/ of All Instances of a Specific Word

How can I use jQuery to style /parts/ of all instances of a specific word?

To do it reliably you'd have to iterate over each element in the document looking for text nodes, and searching for text in those. (This is what the plugin noted in the question does.)

Here's a plain JavaScript/DOM one that allows a RegExp pattern to match. jQuery doesn't really give you much help here since selectors can only select elements, and the ‘:contains’ selector is recursive so not too useful to us.

// Find text in descendents of an element, in reverse document order
// pattern must be a regexp with global flag
function findText(element, pattern, callback) {
for (var childi= element.childNodes.length; childi-->0;) {
var child= element.childNodes[childi];
if (child.nodeType==1) {
findText(child, pattern, callback);
} else if (child.nodeType==3) {
var matches= [];
var match;
while (match= pattern.exec(
for (var i= matches.length; i-->0;), child, matches[i]);

findText(document.body, /\bBuyNow\b/g, function(node, match) {
var span= document.createElement('span');
span.className= 'highlight';
node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, node.nextSibling);

How can I change the CSS of a specific word?

You can actually do this easily with CSS.

[class*=online] {
color: green;
[class*=offline] {
color: red;

This CSS selector is looking for any element with an attribute named class and the *= is telling the browser to look if the following string exists anywhere within that attribute's value.

So any classes with name something-online or offline-something or any combination will be matched by this selector.

You can use this same selector with jquery and set the css styles, but using script for this is unnecessary.


Thanks to UndoingTech for providing a link to the attribute selectors reference. I'm including it in the answer to make it easier to find

Attribute selectors are extremely powerful and often overlooked. Since jQuery uses CSS selectors, all attribute selectors work in script as well.


Based on clarification on the original question, here is the proper solution for changing the color style of an element with a particular class based on the text inside of that element.

$(function() {
$(".status").each(function() {
var text = $(this).text().trim().toLowerCase();
if (text === "offline") {
$(this).css("color", "red");
} else if (text === "online") {
$(this).css("color", "green");

This code finds all elements with the .status class, then .each() loops through each element and calls the inline function once for each element. This function trims and converts all text to lowercase, and then compares the value of that text with either "offline" or "online" and then sets the css color of the element accordingly.

Find and Replace all instances of a word with jquery

Have your replace use a regex with a global replace.





codepen example

Javascript/jQuery change word color by specific some text contains

You could replace all occurrences of your specific text snippets with custom styled html elements:

const yourName = "Groot";

const element = document.querySelector(".me");
element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML
.replace("I'm", `<span class="black-class">I'm</span>`)
.replace(yourName, `<span class="green-class">${yourName}</span>`);

Alternatively you can also make everything green except the I'm like this:

.me {
color: green;
element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML
.replace("I'm", `<span class="black-class">I'm</span>`);

This way not only Groot is colored green but everything inside of the div. That way your JavaScript doesn't need to know the name.

How to highlight in yellow a specific part of a string using jquery

You can replace a specific part of the string and wrap it. For better handling you should use a class and css for highlighting some parts.

var text = $('#myspan').text();text = text.replace('+', '<span style="color: yellow;">+</span>');$('#myspan').html(text)
<script src=""></script><span id="myspan">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit +</span>

How to style the third word inside of a div and use that text in part of the new code?

I would actually use split to break your span text into an array of the individual words, manipulate the individual elements and join it back up and add it back into the DOM -

$('.myclass').each(function(index, me) {  var words = $(me).text().trim().split(' ');  words[0] = '<span class="aspanclass2">' + words[0] + '</span>';  words[2] = '<a href="' + words[2] + '">' + words[2] + '</a>';  $(me).html(words.join(' '));});
<script src=""></script><span class="myclass">    one two three</span><span class="myclass">    four fix six</span><span class="myclass">    seven eight nine</span>

Find text string in jQuery and make it bold

You can use replace() with html():

var html = $('p').html();
$('p').html(html.replace(/world/gi, '<strong>$&</strong>'));


I turned it into a lil' plugin, here:

$.fn.wrapInTag = function(opts) {

var tag = opts.tag || 'strong'
, words = opts.words || []
, regex = RegExp(words.join('|'), 'gi') // case insensitive
, replacement = '<'+ tag +'>$&</'+ tag +'>';

return this.html(function() {
return $(this).text().replace(regex, replacement);

// Usage
tag: 'em',
words: ['world', 'red']

Find and replace specific text characters across a document with JS

How about this, replacing @ with $:

$("body").children().each(function () {
$(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/@/g,"$") );

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