How to Use CSSstylesheet.Insertrule() Properly

How to use CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() properly?

It is slightly confusing but your code does actually work, it is just that you can't see the inserted rules in the XML tree returned.

To verify that your code works, there are two tests you can do:

var style = (function() {    // Create the <style> tag    var style = document.createElement("style");
// WebKit hack style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
// Add the <style> element to the page document.head.appendChild(style); console.log(style.sheet.cssRules); // length is 0, and no rules
return style;})();style.sheet.insertRule('.foo{color:red;}', 0);console.log(style.sheet.cssRules); // length is 1, rule added
<p class="foo">  I am some text</p>

How to use CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() in Internet Explorer properly?

In IE11 the error is fixed if I add the index parameter:

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.sheet.insertRule('td {overflow: visible}', 0);

related: How to use CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() properly?

JavaScript stylesheet.insertRule not inserting rule but returns no errors or exceptions

The code does work. Note that, when using CSSStyleSheet.insertRule(), the rules are actually inserted into the style sheet although they do not show up in the XML tree. Also see:

Below an working example, I've just added a sample dataset and changed the css rules to better prove the example.

let addCSSRule = function(sheet, selector, rules, index) {        sheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + rules + "}", index);    };
let styleTagGenerator = function() { let tag = document.createElement('style'); = 'myskills_dynamic_style'; tag.type = 'text/css'; document.head.appendChild(tag);};
let response = { // Example object test: 'bada55'};
for(let key in response) { let val = response[key]; let selector = '.progressbar-bg span.progressbar-' + key + ''; // Removed :after to visualize it better let rule = 'background-color: #' + val + ''; // Use bg-color instead of animation to visualize it better let styleTag = document.getElementById('myskills_dynamic_style').sheet; addCSSRule(styleTag, selector, rule, response.length);}
<style id="myskills_dynamic_style"></style>
<div class="progressbar-bg"> <span class="progressbar-test">abc</span></div>

Update or remove css rule from insertRule() in JS

To delete just use deleteRule() passing in the index that the rule was inserted at

var index = document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(`#li${i}:after {content: "${data[2][i]}"; }`, 0);

In order to update a rule access the cssRules list at the index the rule was inserted at, and change the style property

document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[index].style.content = "";

Note you will not be able to access the rule if the style sheet being accessed was linked externally as cssRules will be null. So you will have to delete it and insert it back to change its styles.


var stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0];var ruleIndex = 0;
function redRule(){ stylesheet.cssRules[ruleIndex].style.color = "red";}
function blueRule(){ stylesheet.cssRules[ruleIndex].style.color = "blue";}
function replaceRule(){ stylesheet.deleteRule(ruleIndex); ruleIndex = stylesheet.insertRule("body { color:yellow; }",0); }
ruleIndex = stylesheet.insertRule("body { color:black; }",0);
document.addEventListener('click',function(e){ switch({ case 'red': redRule(); break; case 'blue': blueRule(); break; case 'replace': replaceRule(); break; }});
<style></style>Text<br><button id="red">Change rule to red</button><br><button id="blue">Change rule to blue</button><br><button id="replace">Replace rule</button><br>

handling cssRules with javascript properly

add an empty style tag to your page with some id like --

<style id="customstyles"  type="text/css"></style>

and then under resize event handler-

var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
var sheet = sheets[i];
if ( == "customstyles") {
var rules = sheet.cssRules;
if (rules.length > 0) {
// instead of addRule, modify the existing rule with following code-
var style = "css attribute on which you are applying new value";
var stylevalue = "the value to be applied";
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) {
var rule = rules[j];
if (rule.selectorText == selector) {, stylevalue);
else {
// call you code to insert new cssRule
stylesheet.insertRule(selector + ' { ' + rule + ' }', stylesheet.cssRules.length);

Hope that helps

Create a CSSStyleSheet object from a CSS string?

Here's a function that does this:

function CSSString2CSSStyleSheet ( css ) {
const style = document.createElement ( 'style' );
style.innerText = css;
document.head.appendChild ( style );
const {sheet} = style;
document.head.removeChild ( style );
return sheet;

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