How to Send Data in Request Body with a Get When Using Jquery $.Ajax()

How to send data in request body with a GET when using jQuery $.ajax()

In general, that's not how systems use GET requests. So, it will be hard to get your libraries to play along. In fact, the spec says that "If the request method is a case-sensitive match for GET or HEAD act as if data is null." So, I think you are out of luck unless the browser you are using doesn't respect that part of the spec.

You can probably setup an endpoint on your own server for a POST ajax request, then redirect that in your server code to a GET request with a body.

If you aren't absolutely tied to GET requests with the body being the data, you have two options.

POST with data: This is probably what you want. If you are passing data along, that probably means you are modifying some model or performing some action on the server. These types of actions are typically done with POST requests.

GET with query string data: You can convert your data to query string parameters and pass them along to the server that way.

url: ',2,3'

jQuery posting valid json in request body

An actual JSON request would look like this:

data: '{"command":"on"}',

Where you're sending an actual JSON string. For a more general solution, use JSON.stringify() to serialize an object to JSON, like this:

data: JSON.stringify({ "command": "on" }),

To support older browsers that don't have the JSON object, use json2.js which will add it in.

What's currently happening is since you have processData: false, it's basically sending this: ({"command":"on"}).toString() which is [object Object]...what you see in your request.

Send a GET request with a body in JavaScript (XMLHttpRequest)

No, it is not possible to send a GET request with a body in JavaScript.

it looks like the payload is simply not sent

That is correct. This is defined in the specification:

The send(body) method must run these steps:


  1. If the request method is GET or HEAD, set body to null.

Also a request via the Fetch API does not allow a body. From the specification:

  1. If either init["body"] exists and is non-null or inputBody is non-null, and request’s method is GET or HEAD, then throw a TypeError.

The best would be if the API could be fixed.

If that is not possible, you could add a server-side script that you can use as a proxy that passes the requests to the API. You can than call this script with a GET request with the data in the URL instead of the body or using a POST request with a body. This script then can make the GET request with a body (as long as the chosen language supports it).

jQuery get request with json body to a REST api

You should use the $.param function when you build a GET request (and not the JSON.Stringify function).

 data: $.param({'last_id' : 1650 }),

$.ajax({    type: 'GET',    url: '/',    dataType: 'json',    processData: false,    data: $.param({'last_id' : 1650 }),    success: function(resp){        console.log(resp);    }});
<script src=""></script>

How to submit JSON Data by Request Body in jQuery?

Here is the right code for your desired out put.

url : "/",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify([
{id: 1, name: "Shahed"},
{id: 2, name: "Hossain"}
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType : "json",
success : function(){
console.log("Pure jQuery Pure JS object");

Your must convert JS Object to String and JSON.stringify(JSObject) is the method responsible for that.

How to Pass Data in ajax call using GET Method in javascript

try this

url: Globals.baseURL + "rest/grid/"+cuboid_id,
type: "GET",
dataType: "application/json",
data: {some_query_var : JSON.stringify(data)},
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(result){
//assert.equal(result !=null,true,"Response should not be null");
//assert.equal(result[0].error,"Whitebaord ID NOT FOUND","InValid Whiteboard ID");

"dataType json" in ajax jquery doesn't mean for formating JSON string in "data" attribute ..
you still need the query variable passing in the "data" attribute. wich is in this is case i use some_query_var.

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