How Variables Are Allocated Memory in JavaScript

Where does Javascript allocate memory for the result of a function call? Stack or heap?

The answer may vary by engine, and it really doesn't matter to your code. Worry about running out of stack if/when you run out of stack. JavaScript's specification doesn't require implementations to do one thing or the other. It describes behavior, not the implementation of that behavior.

But speaking practically: It seems unlikely that a JavaScript engine would try to put a massive string on the stack. More likely, it would put it in the heap. That doesn't mean it can't put other strings on the stack. Maybe it decides based on size. Maybe it decides based on lifetime — perhaps it'll put a small string used only locally in a function on the stack, but put a massive one, or one retained globally, on the heap.

The point is: Modern JavaScript engines are complicated and highly, highly optimized. They're unlikely to take such a simplistic view as "primitives go on the stack and objects go on the heap."

I read that the stack is used to store primitives and heap is for objects.

Not necessarily. Objects can be allocated on the stack as well, and have been by at least some JavaScript engines at various points in history. If an object won't survive the end of the function call, and isn't massive, putting it on the stack makes reclaiming it when the function returns dead easy.

I also know that primitives are immutable, so if we try to reassign a variable, it will not change the value at its memory address but will rather allocate new space in memory, store the new value and assign its address to the variable.

Without getting too deep into theory, again this could well be implementation-specific. Consider a = 1. We have no way of telling whether that puts the value 1 in the memory associated with a, or puts a reference to an immutable singleton representing 1 in a. The former seems more a lot more likely than the latter (for numbers; strings are another matter), but we don't know and can't know (in the general case; we can for a specific version of a specific engine), because it makes no difference to our code and the spec doesn't require one behavior or the other.

How variable memory allocation takes place inside function object in javascript?

calculator.x = 10 

adds x to the property of the function

calculator now refers to the object { x:x, getx } and the value you are changing is not the variable x but the property x of calculator

to access the change in property you will need to output this.x

<div id="output"></div>
<script>var calculator = function(){ var x = 5; getx = function(){ return this.x; } return { x:x, getx };}();document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = calculator.x;calculator.x=10;document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += " "+ calculator.x + " "+calculator.getx();</script>

How JavaScript decides what size of memory to allocate for a numeric value?

Here is a good explanation.

JavaScript values

The type JS::Value represents a JavaScript value.

The representation is 64 bits and uses NaN-boxing on all platforms,
although the exact NaN-boxing format depends on the platform.
NaN-boxing is a technique based on the fact that in IEEE-754 there are
2**53-2 different bit patterns that all represent NaN. Hence, we can
encode any floating-point value as a C++ double (noting that
JavaScript NaN must be represented as one canonical NaN format). Other
values are encoded as a value and a type tag:

On x86, ARM, and similar 32-bit platforms, we use what we call
"nunboxing", in which non-double values are a 32-bit type tag and a
32-bit payload, which is normally either a pointer or a signed 32-bit
integer. There are a few special values: NullValue(),
UndefinedValue(), TrueValue() and FalseValue(). On x64 and similar
64-bit platforms, pointers are longer than 32 bits, so we can't use
the nunboxing format. Instead, we use "punboxing", which has 17 bits
of tag and 47 bits of payload. Only JIT code really depends on the
layout--everything else in the engine interacts with values through
functions like val.isDouble(). Most parts of the JIT also avoid
depending directly on the layout: the files PunboxAssembler.h and
NunboxAssembler.h are used to generate native code that depends on the
value layout.

Objects consist of a possibly shared structural description, called
the map or scope; and unshared property values in a vector, called the
slots. Each property has an id, either a nonnegative integer or an
atom (unique string), with the same tagged-pointer encoding as a

The atom manager consists of a hash table associating strings uniquely
with scanner/parser information such as keyword type, index in script
or function literal pool, etc. Atoms play three roles: as literals
referred to by unaligned 16-bit immediate bytecode operands, as unique
string descriptors for efficient property name hashing, and as members
of the root GC set for exact GC.

According to W3Schools:

This format stores numbers in 64 bits, where the number (the fraction)
is stored in bits 0 to 51, the exponent in bits 52 to 62, and the sign
in bit 63:

Value (aka Fraction/Mantissa): 52 bits (0 - 51)

Exponent: 11 bits (52 - 62)

Sign: 1 bit (63)

Also read this article here.

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