How to Return Blank String If Object Is Undefined in Angularjs Forms

check null,empty or undefined angularjs

just use -

if(!a) // if a is negative,undefined,null,empty value then...
// do whatever
else {
// do whatever

this works because of the == difference from === in javascript, which converts some values to "equal" values in other types to check for equality, as opposed for === which simply checks if the values equal. so basically the == operator know to convert the "", null, undefined to a false value. which is exactly what you need.

If value is 0 then return empty string in Angularjs

You can do it like this:

{{profileCtrl.person.year === 0 ? "" : profileCtrl.person.year}}

How do I check for an empty/undefined/null string in JavaScript?

Empty string, undefined, null, ...

To check for a truthy value:

if (strValue) {
// strValue was non-empty string, true, 42, Infinity, [], ...

To check for a falsy value:

if (!strValue) {
// strValue was empty string, false, 0, null, undefined, ...

Empty string (only!)

To check for exactly an empty string, compare for strict equality against "" using the === operator:

if (strValue === "") {
// strValue was empty string

To check for not an empty string strictly, use the !== operator:

if (strValue !== "") {
// strValue was not an empty string

AngularJS - What is the best way to detect undefined null or empty value at the same time?


As mentioned in the comments it's better to use return !value.

$scope.isValid = function(value) {
return !value

Old and incomplete Answer

A proper way is simply to use angular.isDefined()

How to display empty string when ng-repeat value is null in angularjs

Zero is falsy. Use ternary operator:

{{ x.daysSinceMaintenanceUpdate == null ? '--' : x.daysSinceMaintenanceUpdate }}

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