How to Parse a Url

How to parse a URL?

Please note that this solution is not the best. I made this just to match the requirements of the OP. I personally would suggest looking into the other answers.

THe following regexp will give you back the domain and the rest. :\/\/(.[^\/]+)(.*):

  2. /goosomething

I suggest you studying the RegExp documentation here:

Using your function:

function get_domain_name()
var matches = aaaa.match(/:\/\/(?:www\.)?(.[^/]+)(.*)/);

How do I parse a URL into hostname and path in javascript?

var getLocation = function(href) {
var l = document.createElement("a");
l.href = href;
return l;
var l = getLocation("");
>> ""
>> "/path"

How to parse a URL and extract the required substring

I'd do it this way:

require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse('')'.').first
=> "something"

URI is built into Ruby. It's not the most full-featured but it's plenty capable of doing this task for most URLs. If you have IRIs then look at Addressable::URI.

How can I parse HTTP urls in C#?

I think you can get a lot of use out of the System.Uri class. Feed it a URI and you can pull out pieces in a number of arrangements.

Some examples:

Uri myUri = new Uri("http://server:8080/func2/SubFunc2?query=somevalue");

// Get host part (host name or address and port). Returns "server:8080".
string hostpart = myUri.Authority;

// Get path and query string parts. Returns "/func2/SubFunc2?query=somevalue".
string pathpart = myUri.PathAndQuery;

// Get path components. Trailing separators. Returns { "/", "func2/", "sunFunc2" }.
string[] pathsegments = myUri.Segments;

// Get query string. Returns "?query=somevalue".
string querystring = myUri.Query;

Elegant way parsing URL

Using the URI class you can do this:

var url = new Uri("your url");

How To Parse URL in Deno

No external module is needed to parse URLs in Deno. The URL class is available as a global, just like in your browser:

const urlString = "";
const url = new URL(urlString);
console.log(`URL: ${url.protocol}//${}`);

How to parse URI gracefully using Go?

Use net/url library

kafkaUrl := "kafka://user@"

u, err := url.Parse(kafkaUrl)
if err != nil {
// handle error
user := u.User.Username()
pass, isPassSet := u.User.Password()
host := u.Host // host or host:port

hostname and port separetely

hostname := u.Hostname()
port := u.Port()

Best way to parse URL in ES6

ES6 is part of the language specification, not any particular framework for JavaScript. Therefore, you're not going to find things like URL.parse() in the language.

The APIs you're looking for are part of the host for your application, such as the browser or Node.js. In browser, there is a URL interface:

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