How to Identify If a Webpage Is Being Loaded Inside an Iframe or Directly into the Browser Window

How to identify if a webpage is being loaded inside an iframe or directly into the browser window?

Browsers can block access to due to same origin policy. IE bugs also take place. Here's the working code:

function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch (e) {
return true;

top and self are both window objects (along with parent), so you're seeing if your window is the top window.

Detect iFrame embedding in Javascript

Looking at frame length breaks down generally if page A itself has frames (I know this might not be the case for this specific instance). The more reliable and meaningful test would be:

if (window! { /* I'm in a frame! */ }

Foolproof way to detect if this page is INSIDE a cross-domain iframe

First check if you are IFramed.

window.self !==

If you are IFramed, then your referrer is your parent frame url.


From this url you should be able to detect if you want to branch your code.

How to prevent a web-page from knowing that it is loaded inside an iframe?

There is no way to get this information. The reason that websites should always be able to know they're in an iframe is for security reasons.

It allows for things like frame-busting, where a website stops itself from being displayed or redirects to the site itself.

If a website were to be shown in an iframe without knowledge of this, I could overlay a separate form element and use this in phishing attacks.

That would be a serious security issue.

Check if parent window is iframe or not

This is true if a window is not a frame/iframe:


If you like to see if the parent window of the given window is a frame, use:


It's a simple comparision of top (the most top window of the window hierarchy) and another window object (self or parent).

How can I tell if a page is being served to an iframe?

if ( { /* I'm not in an iframe */ }

Very simple javascript.

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