How Does JavaScript .Prototype Work

How does JavaScript .prototype work?

Every JavaScript object has an internal "slot" called [[Prototype]] whose value is either null or an object. You can think of a slot as a property on an object, internal to the JavaScript engine, hidden from the code you write. The square brackets around [[Prototype]] are deliberate, and are an ECMAScript specification convention to denote internal slots.

The value pointed at by the [[Prototype]] of an object, is colloquially known as "the prototype of that object."

If you access a property via the dot (obj.propName) or bracket (obj['propName']) notation, and the object does not directly have such a property (ie. an own property, checkable via obj.hasOwnProperty('propName')), the runtime looks for a property with that name on the object referenced by the [[Prototype]] instead. If the [[Prototype]] also does not have such a property, its [[Prototype]] is checked in turn, and so on. In this way, the original object's prototype chain is walked until a match is found, or its end is reached. At the top of the prototype chain is the null value.

Modern JavaScript implementations allow read and/or write access to the [[Prototype]] in the following ways:

  1. The new operator (configures the prototype chain on the default object returned from a constructor function),
  2. The extends keyword (configures the prototype chain when using the class syntax),
  3. Object.create will set the supplied argument as the [[Prototype]] of the resulting object,
  4. Object.getPrototypeOf and Object.setPrototypeOf (get/set the [[Prototype]] after object creation), and
  5. The standardized accessor (ie. getter/setter) property named __proto__ (similar to 4.)

Object.getPrototypeOf and Object.setPrototypeOf are preferred over __proto__, in part because the behavior of o.__proto__ is unusual when an object has a prototype of null.

An object's [[Prototype]] is initially set during object creation.

If you create a new object via new Func(), the object's [[Prototype]] will, by default, be set to the object referenced by Func.prototype.

Note that, therefore, all classes, and all functions that can be used with the new operator, have a property named .prototype in addition to their own [[Prototype]] internal slot. This dual use of the word "prototype" is the source of endless confusion amongst newcomers to the language.

Using new with constructor functions allows us to simulate classical inheritance in JavaScript; although JavaScript's inheritance system is - as we have seen - prototypical, and not class-based.

Prior to the introduction of class syntax to JavaScript, constructor functions were the only way to simulate classes. We can think of properties of the object referenced by the constructor function's .prototype property as shared members; ie. members which are the same for each instance. In class-based systems, methods are implemented the same way for each instance, so methods are conceptually added to the .prototype property; an object's fields, however, are instance-specific and are therefore added to the object itself during construction.

Without the class syntax, developers had to manually configure the prototype chain to achieve similar functionality to classical inheritance. This led to a preponderance of different ways to achieve this.

Here's one way:

function Child() {}
function Parent() {}
Parent.prototype.inheritedMethod = function () { return 'this is inherited' }

function inherit(child, parent) {
child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype)
child.prototype.constructor = child
return child;

Child = inherit(Child, Parent)
const o = new Child
console.log(o.inheritedMethod()) // 'this is inherited'

...and here's another way:

function Child() {}
function Parent() {}
Parent.prototype.inheritedMethod = function () { return 'this is inherited' }

function inherit(child, parent) {
function tmp() {}
tmp.prototype = parent.prototype
const proto = new tmp()
proto.constructor = child
child.prototype = proto
return child

Child = inherit(Child, Parent)
const o = new Child
console.log(o.inheritedMethod()) // 'this is inherited'

The class syntax introduced in ES2015 simplifies things, by providing extends as the "one true way" to configure the prototype chain in order to simulate classical inheritance in JavaScript.

So, similar to the code above, if you use the class syntax to create a new object like so:

class Parent { inheritedMethod() { return 'this is inherited' } }
class Child extends Parent {}

const o = new Child
console.log(o.inheritedMethod()) // 'this is inherited'

...the resulting object's [[Prototype]] will be set to an instance of Parent, whose [[Prototype]], in turn, is Parent.prototype.

Finally, if you create a new object via Object.create(foo), the resulting object's [[Prototype]] will be set to foo.

What’s the purpose of prototype?

Using the prototype makes faster object creation since properties/methods on the prototype don't have to be re-created each time a new object is created.

When you do this:

function animal() { = 'rover'
this.set_name = function (name) { = name

The set_name method is created every time you create an animal. But when you do this

animal.prototype.set_name = function (name) { = name

The method does not have to be re-created each time; it exists in one place in the prototype. So when you call someAnimal.set_name("Ubu"); the this context will be set to someAnimal and (the one and only) set_name method will be called.

There is one advantage to using the first syntax though: methods created in this manner will have access to private data:

function animal() {
var privateData = 'foo' = 'rover'
this.set_name = function (name) { = name
alert(privateData) //will alert 'foo'

Douglas Crockford calls methods created like this "privileged" for that reason: they have access to both public and private data.

Meaning of prototype in javascript

When you put something on the prototype, every instance of the object shares the same code for the method. They are all using the same function instance.

When you simply put a method on this, every object instance has its own copy of the same method.

Using prototype is much more efficient. Note this is why typically methods are placed on the prototype, since you typically want all instances to use the same method, but properties are placed on the instance itself, because typically you don't want all instances to share the same properties.

For your comment, if you put a method on the constructor function of an object, then you have in effect created a "static" method. No instance of the object will have that method, they all must access it on the constructor function. So in your case, Person.someMethod().

How does String.prototype.something() actually work?

JavaScript is a little weird in some aspects compared to other programming language.

  1. JavaScript functions are full objects. In other languages functions are language constructs. For example if you create a function like this
function example1() {}

what you are really doing is creating an object of type function to the root object (which is the window object in your browser)

function example1() {}
console.log(window.example1) // function example1() {}
console.log(typeof window.example1) // function

__proto__ VS. prototype in JavaScript

__proto__ is the actual object that is used in the lookup chain to resolve methods, etc. prototype is the object that is used to build __proto__ when you create an object with new:

( new Foo ).__proto__ === Foo.prototype
( new Foo ).prototype === undefined

Confused on Prototype inheritance Javascript

No wonder there is confusion. The picture is misleading to the point of being incorrect!

Objects created by calling a constructor function with the new keyword have their inheritance chain set to start with the prototype property of the constructor (correct in the picture).

The prototype property is created every time a function is declared using the function keyword to cover the case of the function being use as a constructor later - so you don't need to specify if a function is a constructor or not. For completeness, functions generated by the class keyword also have a prototype property.)

The function's prototype property's constructor property is set to the function when the prototype property is created (meaning when the function is declared). Again the picture is correct: the value of Foo.prototype.constructor is a reference to Foo.

What is wrong in the picture is objects a and b somehow joining together in a reverse fork and their properties becoming available to instances of Foo.

constructor is always an inherited property. If you replace the original prototype property of a function object with another object, you replace the constructor property inherited by objects constructed with the function. Although you can reset the constructor property of a functions prototype property, it's reasonably unusual and not a part of the story the picture is presenting.

If you do modify the inheritance chain by changing a function's prototype property value, the inheritance chain is still always a single threaded chain back to Object.prototype and then null. The inheritance chain never forks as shown in the picture. If you modified Foo.prototype in the picture to make it a or b, the constructor property of Foo instances would not be Foo.

The picture requires a lot of explanation to be useful.

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