How to Grab the CSS Truncated Text via Jquery

Is there any way to grab the CSS truncated text via jQuery?

You can compute it :

$.fn.renderedText = function(){
var o = s = this.text();
while (s.length && (this[0].scrollWidth>this.innerWidth())){
s = s.slice(0,-1);
return s;

var renderedText = $("#mySpan").renderedText(); // this is your visible string


Of course this only works for an element with overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis but it's easy to adapt when there's no text-overflow:ellipsis: just remove the +"…".

Note that this is compatible with all browsers and gives the exact result (the specifies that the character is to be used by the browser).

jQuery text truncation (read more style)

This code presumes that tags will always be balanced, and that the only tag without a closer will be <br /> (though this could be easily remedied if needed).

#content {
width: 800px;
overflow: hidden;
.revealText {
background: white; /* Strange problem in ie8 where the sliding animation goes too far
if revealText doesn't have a background color! */
.hiddenText {

.readMore {
cursor: pointer;
color: blue;
.ellipsis {
color: black;

$('document').ready(function() {


$('.readMore').on('click', function() {
var $hidden = $('.hiddenText');
if($':hidden')) {
$(this).insertAfter($('#content')).children('.readMoreText').text(' [Read Less] ').siblings().hide();
} else {
$(this).appendTo($('.revealText')).children('.readMoreText').text(' [Read More] ').siblings().show();


function truncate(element) {
$(element + ' p').css({display: 'inline'});

var theText = $(element).html(); // Original Text
var item; // Current tag or text area being iterated
var convertedText = '<span class="revealText">'; // String that will represent the finished result
var limit = 154; // Max characters (though last word is retained in full)
var counter = 0; // Track how far we've come (compared to limit)
var lastTag; // Hold a reference to the last opening tag
var lastOpenTags = []; // Stores an array of all opening tags (they get removed as tags are closed)
var nowHiding = false; // Flag to set to show that we're now in the hiding phase

theText = theText.replace(/[\s\n\r]{2,}/g, ' '); // Consolidate multiple white-space characters down to one. (Otherwise the counter will count each of them.)
theText = theText.replace(/(<[^<>]+>)/g,'|*|SPLITTER|*|$1|*|SPLITTER|*|'); // Find all tags, and add a splitter to either side of them.
theText = theText.replace(/(\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|)(\s*)\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|/g,'$1$2'); // Find consecutive splitters, and replace with one only.
theText = theText.replace(/^[\s\t\r]*\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\||\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|[\s\t\r]*$/g,''); // Get rid of unnecessary splitter (if any) at beginning and end.
theText = theText.split(/\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|/); // Split theText where there's a splitter. Now we have an array of tags and words.

for(var i in theText) { // Iterate over the array of tags and words.
item = theText[i]; // Store current iteration in a variable (for convenience)
lastTag = lastOpenTags[lastOpenTags.length - 1]; // Store last opening tag in a variable (for convenience)
if( !item.match(/<[^<>]+>/) ) { // If 'item' is not a tag, we have text
if(lastTag && item.charAt(0) == ' ' && !lastTag[1].match(/span|SPAN/)) item = item.substr(1); // Remove space from beginning of block elements (like IE does) to make results match cross browser
if(!nowHiding) { // If we haven't started hiding yet...
counter += item.length; // Add length of text to counter.
if(counter >= limit) { // If we're past the limit...
var length = item.length - 1; // Store the current item's length (minus one).
var position = (length) - (counter - limit); // Get the position in the text where the limit landed.
while(position != length) { // As long as we haven't reached the end of the text...
if( !!item.charAt(position).match(/[\s\t\n]/) || position == length ) // Check if we have a space, or are at the end.
break; // If so, break out of loop.
else position++; // Otherwise, increment position.
if(position != length) position--;
var closeTag = '', openTag = ''; // Initialize open and close tag for last tag.
if(lastTag) { // If there was a last tag,
closeTag = '</' + lastTag[1] + '>'; // set the close tag to whatever the last tag was,
openTag = '<' + lastTag[1] + lastTag[2] + '>'; // and the open tag too.
// Create transition from revealed to hidden with the appropriate tags, and add it to our result string
var transition = '<span class="readMore"><span class="ellipsis">...</span><span class="readMoreText"> [Read More] </span></span>' + closeTag + '</span><span class="hiddenText">' + openTag;
convertedText += (position == length) ? (item).substr(0) + transition
: (item).substr(0,position + 1) + transition + (item).substr(position + 1).replace(/^\s/, ' ');
nowHiding = true; // Now we're hiding.
continue; // Break out of this iteration.
} else { // Item wasn't text. It was a tag.
if(!item.match(/<br>|<BR>/)) { // If it is a <br /> tag, ignore it.
if(!item.match(/\//)) { // If it is not a closing tag...
lastOpenTags.push(item.match(/<(\w+)(\s*[^>]*)>/)); // Store it as the most recent open tag we've found.
} else { // If it is a closing tag.
if(item.match(/<\/(\w+)>/)[1] == lastOpenTags[lastOpenTags.length - 1][1]) { // If the closing tag is a paired match with the last opening tag...
lastOpenTags.pop(); // ...remove the last opening tag.
if(item.match(/<\/[pP]>/)) { // Check if it is a closing </p> tag
convertedText += ('<span class="paragraphBreak"><br> <br> </span>'); // If so, add two line breaks to form paragraph
convertedText += (item); // Add the item to the result string.
convertedText += ('</span>'); // After iterating over all tags and text, close the hiddenText tag.
$(element).html(convertedText); // Update the container with the result.

<div id="content">
<p>Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.</p>
<p>Writing example text is very boring.</p>
<p>Specially when you are dumb enough not to copy and paste. Oh!</p>
<p>Once it sheltered the rogues and rapscallions of the British Empire; now Kangaroo Island is ready and waiting for some derring-do of your own. Venture into the rugged wilds of the island, traversing untamed bushland and pristine beaches seeking out seal, penguin and sea lion colonies. Meet the land loving locals - koalas, goannas, echidnas and the island's own species of kangaroo. </p>

How can I get all td elements with text-overflow: ellipsis where the text is truncate?

Here's a JSFiddle, reworked for tables from an answer to a previous question, using the answer from mephiztopheles.

Using JQuery:

$("td").each( function() {

if ( this.scrollWidth > this.clientWidth ) {




jquery - truncate text in paragraph

    var firstPara = $('.text p:first').text(); /* Get text in first paragraph */

$('.text p:first').html(firstPara.substring(0,50)+' <a class="more" href="#">read more</a>'); /* Replace first paragraph text with first 50 characters */

$('.text p:last').append(firstPara.substring(50)); /* Append remaining text to Second paragraph */

/*enable second para on more click*/
$('.text p:last').show()

Detect CSS text-overflow ellipsis with jQuery

I forgot to post my solution.

Now i'm using el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth; and it's working well.

Note that el in this case is not jquery wrapped.

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