How to Get JSON from Url in JavaScript

How to get JSON from URL in JavaScript?

You can use jQuery .getJSON() function:

$.getJSON('', function(data) {
// JSON result in `data` variable

If you don't want to use jQuery you should look at this answer for pure JS solution.

Get json data from url and put it into variable by JavaScript

You need wrapped your code inside async/await pattern

In your code, you did not return anything.

  var tags;
(async () => {
tags = await get()
// handle the tags result here
// if you try use tags here it will be undefined

async return result when it finish and next line of code run immediately so tags variable is undefined

async function get() {    let url = ''    let obj = await (await fetch(url)).json();        //console.log(obj);    return obj;}var tags;(async () => {  tags = await get()  //console.log(tags)  document.getElementById("tags").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(tags);})()
<div id="tags"></div>

Javascript ES6 Get JSON from URL (no jQuery)



// url (required), options (optional)
fetch('', {
method: 'get'
}).then(function(response) {

}).catch(function(err) {
// Error :(

For more information:

Getting data from json url

This WOULD have worked if CORS was enabled on their servers. It isn't so you will have to add a proxy, e.g. change



and have yourproxy.php fetch the passed url

This code will give

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.

$.getJSON("", function(myObj) {
var x = "<table border='1'>" for (var o in { x += "<tr><td>" +[i].LineRef + "</td>" + "<td>" +[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[11] +[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[12] +[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[13] +[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[14] +[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[15] + "</td></tr>"; }
x += "</table>" $("#demo").html(x);})
<script src=""></script><p id="demo"></p>

Is there any native function to convert json to url parameters?

Use the URLSearchParams interface, which is built into browsers and Node.js starting with version 10, released in 2018.

const myParams = {'foo': 'hi there', 'bar': '???'};

const u = new URLSearchParams(myParams).toString();


How do i fetch json from a url and display json content on my js page

While I can't speak to how the Teams API works, I can help you understand how to render things from a json API in your react component.

In your componentDidMount function, your example is sending and receiving the response from the API. To render this response, we need to assign the data to your component's "state" and then use that to render it in HTML.

This will be pretty simple. First, you need to extend your component's state, in a similar manner as you've done for context. Do this first in the constructor, where we'll declare an initial state of an empty object (I'll name it content but you can use whatever name makes most sense):

// inside the constructor() function
this.state = {
context: {},
content: {}

In React, we use setState to update this state object state when something changes, like on a lifecycle method such as componentDidMount. You just need to call this setState again when you want to change the state object from its initial value to something else. In our case, when we receive the data from the API.

setState takes whatever you provide it and merges it into the state object, so you only should declare anything you want to change. Anything else not declared will remain unchanged.

So, in componentDidMount, we can make a small change to do something with data when it arrives:

 componentDidMount() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
content: data

This is basically saying:

  • once the component has mounted, make a call to fetch from the API
  • then, with that response, take the json from the body
  • and then, assign the json "data" into our component's state object under the key of content.

You can then do things with this data by calling this.state.content. I'm not sure what format the data will come in, but whatever json object arrives back from the API will be stored under this.state.content.

As an example, imagine we get a simple object back from the API that looks like this { title: "Tab title" }. It means that, on a successful call to the API, our state object will look like this:

context: "whatever you have here", // whatever you have here, I don't know this
content: { title: "Tab title" }

When this state object is updated, react will trigger a new render of the component.

So, to make it appear in our component, we need to use this state in our render function (we wrap things in curly braces if they need to be dynamically rendered rather than hardcoded):

render() {
return (
//... the rest of your function

As you might have guessed, this will show the title inside a div, if the title exists.

Eventually, you should consider handling the state of the component before that API call has resolved itself. The lifecycle method componentDidMount will be called after the component is mounted, and because you're hitting an API, there will be something rendered to the DOM before the API call resolves itself. In my example, it'll be just be an empty div, and then it'll appear when the state updates and the render function is called again.

You could do this more effectively by extending your state object to see whether the API response is done (you'd update this in the same place you set the content), and you could render the UI conditionally on this.

The official docs on lifecycle methods will help you understand this pattern more.

Good luck!

Get JSON data from external URL and display it in a div as plain text

You can do this with JSONP like this:

function insertReply(content) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = content;

// create script element
var script = document.createElement('script');
// assing src with callback name
script.src = '';
// insert script to document and load content

But source must be aware that you want it to call function passed as callback parameter to it.

With google API it would look like this:

function insertReply(content) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = content;

// create script element
var script = document.createElement('script');
// assing src with callback name
script.src = '';
// insert script to document and load content

Check how data looks like when you pass callback to google api:

Here is quite good explanation of JSONP:

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