How to Disable Href If Onclick Is Executed

How can I disable HREF if onclick is executed?

You can use the first un-edited solution, if you put return first in the onclick attribute:

<a href="" onclick="return yes_js_login();">Log in</a>

yes_js_login = function() {
// Your code here
return false;


Disable HREF by onclick inside

The click still bubbles upwards. Use event.stopPropagation(); instead. You are using event.preventDefault() on an element that has no default click behaviour, so it does nothing.

$(function() {  $(".inside > .fa").click(function(e) {    e.stopPropagation();    console.log(;  });});
a {  display: block; /* required otherwise you cannot have block level elements like div inside a */}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" /><script src=""></script><a href='' target="_top">  <div class='button'>    <div class='inside'>      <i class="fa fa-globe"></i>    </div>  </div></a>

How do I disable a href link in JavaScript?

Try this when you dont want user to redirect on click

<a href="javascript: void(0)">I am a useless link</a>

disable href after 1 click on html?

Pure javascript solution:

function clickAndDisable(link) {
// disable subsequent clicks
link.onclick = function(event) {
<a href="target.html" onclick="clickAndDisable(this);">Click here</a>

Blazor link - disable href if there's an onclick method

The way to do it after release 3.1 of ASP.NET Core seems to be

<a href="" @onclick="@SomeAction" @onclick:preventDefault />

Disabled href tag

There is no disabled attribute for hyperlinks. If you don't want something to be linked then you'll need to remove the <a> tag altogether.

Alternatively you can remove its href attribute - though this has other UX and Accessibility issues as noted in the comments below so is not recommended.

Stop href link after onClick function is called

It looks like your script has an error and is not reaching the return block. If you add the try catch, it will ignore the errors in the script.

function loadPage(page){

$.post("page.php", {p: page}, function(data){
} catch(err){}

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