How to Convert a Firestore Date/Timestamp to a Js Date()

How do I convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to a JS Date()?

The constructor for a JavaScript's Date doesn't know anything about Firestore's Timestamp objects — it doesn't know what to do with them.

If you want to convert a Timestamp to a Date, use the toDate() method on the Timestamp.

How to convert Firestore Timestamp to Date() - Firestore V9

How do I check if a field is an instance of Timestamp?

You can import Timestamp class from Firestore package.

How do I convert an instance of Timestamp into Date() object?

This method exists on a Timestamp object.

import { Timestamp } from "firebase/firestore"

const timeObj = new Timestamp();

console.log(timeObj instanceof Timestamp)

convert firestore timestamp to date into different format

You should use the toDate() method of the Firestore Timestamp:

Convert a Timestamp to a JavaScript Date object. This conversion
causes a loss of precision since Date objects only support millisecond

Returns Date

JavaScript Date object representing the same point in time as this
Timestamp, with millisecond precision.

So, you would do the following:

var timestampDate =; 

Then, you need to format this date as desired. The easiest is to use a dedicated library like moment.js, as follows:

<script src=""></script>

// ...


// ...

var timestampDate =;
var m = moment(timestampDate );
var mFormatted = m.format(); // "2014-09-08T08:02:17-05:00" (ISO 8601, no fractional seconds)
console.log(mFormatted );

// ...


Other possibilities for formatting a date with moment.js are to be found here.

how to convert firebase timestamp to only date and time in html?

Firestore sdk toDate() returns a javascript Date object. So you can format it the way you need from there. There are no other formatting options from the Firestore sdk.

There is more information on the Firestore Timestamp here:

For formatting, one option (of many in JavaScript) is dateformat. It is much smaller than something like moment.js or dayjs and sufficient if all you are doing is formatting date/time output for display.

To format string for your desired output would be:
ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:SS

How to convert timestamp firestore to date string and display in antd table


i don't know why antd table cant convert timestamp directly in renderCell or render. so i choose to set data from firestore like this.

useEffect(() => {
const unsub = //some code
//some code
//some code
.onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
let list = []
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
dateString: new Date( * 1000).toLocaleDateString('id-ID')

return () => {


const userColumns = [
{//other column
//other column
title: 'Date',
dataIndex: ['dateString', 'timestamp'],
key: 'timestamp',
width: '12%',
render: (e, params) => {
sorter: (a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp,
sortOrder: sortedInfo.columnKey === 'timestamp' && sortedInfo.order,

Method for coverting all Firestore Timestamps in a snapshot to JS dates?

I don't think there is any global method for this, but I think its easy to create a function that will analyze snapshot and change it. It's not very complicated. In node.js I have done it like this:

function globalToData (snapshot) {
for (const field in snapshot)

if (snapshot[field] instanceof Firestore.Timestamp) {
snapshot[field] = snapshot[field].toDate()
else if (snapshot[field] instanceof Object) {
globalToData (snapshot[field]);
return snapshot;

if you get DocumentSnapshot as ex. snap you can call it like:


This should convert all Timestamps in all levels of Document snapshot ( I tested to 3rd level of nesting mixed map and array). We do not have your solution, but you can implement this somewhere in the middle of your app.

Convert milliseconds to Firestore date

You can use fromMillis( ) method from firestore.timestamp which can create new timestamp from the given number of milliseconds.


You can refer these documents for more details firestore timestamp from milliseconds and Firestore Timestamp

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