How to Conditionally Change CSS Styles with Js

How can I conditionally change css styles with js?

If you want to change a single style of an element using JavaScript, use

document.getElementById(id) = new style

eg :

document.getElementById("myDiv").style.color= "red";

To add a new CSS class to an element, use


To remove


Demo :

function changeSingleStyle() {  var color = document.getElementById("myDiv").style.color;  if (color === "red")    document.getElementById("myDiv").style.color = "yellow";  else    document.getElementById("myDiv").style.color = "red";}function addClass() {    document.getElementById("myDiv").classList.add("mystyle");}function removeClass() {    document.getElementById("myDiv").classList.remove("mystyle");}
.mystyle {  color : red;  background: green;  font-size: 50px;}
<div id="myDiv"> This is a div </div><button onclick="changeSingleStyle()">changeSingleStyle</button><button onclick="addClass()">addClass</button><button onclick="removeClass()">removeClass</button>

Correct way to handle conditional styling in React

If you prefer to use a class name, by all means use a class name.

className={completed ? 'text-strike' : null}

You may also find the classnames package helpful. With it, your code would look like this:

className={classNames({ 'text-strike': completed })}

There's no "correct" way to do conditional styling. Do whatever works best for you. For myself, I prefer to avoid inline styling and use classes in the manner just described.


Whilst it remains true that React is unopinionated about styling, these days I would recommend a CSS-in-JS solution; namely styled components or emotion. If you're new to React, stick to CSS classes or inline styles to begin with. But once you're comfortable with React I recommend adopting one of these libraries. I use them in every project.

CSS changes its property based on Javascript condition

That should be fairly easy, essentially you just need to change the property using the CSS method( on document.ready...

So the jQuery solution would be:

if (browser == "IE8"){
} else {

You could also do this with vanilla JS using the Style Object( like this:

//set variable for your div (should likely be ID instead of class but no matter)
var yourDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("divFooter");

//if statement to set position
if (browser == "IE8"){ = "absolute";
} else { = "relative";

How to Conditionally Add styles in react?

I have created a simple app to show you how it can be achieved, I hope this will give you a general idea. You can't use it as is cause I guess the shape of your question answer object may be different than the one I used.

Working App: StackBlitz

Sample Image

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import "./style.css";
import { questions } from "./questions";
export default function App() {
const [selectedAns, setSelectedAns] = useState("");
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
const [score, setScore] = useState(0);
const [shadow, setShadow] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
}, [selectedAns]);
return (
onClick={() => {
selectedAns == questions[index]?.correct_answer
? selectedAns == questions[index]?.correct_answer
? "0 0 5px 2px rgba(1, 156, 48 , 0.3)"
: "0 0 5px 2px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)"
: null
{questions[index]?.incorrect_answers?.map(answer => (
onClick={() => {
selectedAns !== answer
? null
: selectedAns == questions[index]?.correct_answer
? "0 0 5px 2px rgba(1, 156, 48 , 0.3)"
: "0 0 5px 2px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)"
onClick={() => {
setIndex(index + 1);
if (questions[index]?.correct_answer == selectedAns) {
setScore(score + 1);
<h3>YOUR SCORE: {score}</h3>

How do I conditionally apply CSS styles in AngularJS?

Angular provides a number of built-in directives for manipulating CSS styling conditionally/dynamically:

  • ng-class - use when the set of CSS styles is static/known ahead of time
  • ng-style - use when you can't define a CSS class because the style values may change dynamically. Think programmable control of the style values.
  • ng-show and ng-hide - use if you only need to show or hide something (modifies CSS)
  • ng-if - new in version 1.1.5, use instead of the more verbose ng-switch if you only need to check for a single condition (modifies DOM)
  • ng-switch - use instead of using several mutually exclusive ng-shows (modifies DOM)
  • ng-disabled and ng-readonly - use to restrict form element behavior
  • ng-animate - new in version 1.1.4, use to add CSS3 transitions/animations

The normal "Angular way" involves tying a model/scope property to a UI element that will accept user input/manipulation (i.e., use ng-model), and then associating that model property to one of the built-in directives mentioned above.

When the user changes the UI, Angular will automatically update the associated elements on the page.

Q1 sounds like a good case for ng-class -- the CSS styling can be captured in a class.

ng-class accepts an "expression" that must evaluate to one of the following:

  1. a string of space-delimited class names
  2. an array of class names
  3. a map/object of class names to boolean values

Assuming your items are displayed using ng-repeat over some array model, and that when the checkbox for an item is checked you want to apply the pending-delete class:

<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{'pending-delete': item.checked}">
... HTML to display the item ...
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.checked">

Above, we used ng-class expression type #3 - a map/object of class names to boolean values.

Q2 sounds like a good case for ng-style -- the CSS styling is dynamic, so we can't define a class for this.

ng-style accepts an "expression" that must evaluate to:

  1. an map/object of CSS style names to CSS values

For a contrived example, suppose the user can type in a color name into a texbox for the background color (a jQuery color picker would be much nicer):

<div class="main-body" ng-style="{color: myColor}">
<input type="text" ng-model="myColor" placeholder="enter a color name">

Fiddle for both of the above.

The fiddle also contains an example of ng-show and ng-hide. If a checkbox is checked, in addition to the background-color turning pink, some text is shown. If 'red' is entered in the textbox, a div becomes hidden.

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