How to Change HTML Object Element Data Attribute Value in JavaScript

How to change HTML Object element data attribute value in javascript

and in jquery:

$('element').attr('some attribute','some attributes value')



Change html data attribute value

data() is not an accessor function for data-* attributes. It's an accessor for jQuery's data cache for the element, which is only initialized from data-* attributes.

If you want to read the data-bla attribute's value, use attr("data-bla"), not data("bla"). If you want to set the bla data item, use data("bla", newValue), not attr("data-bla", newValue).

E.g., use attr() for both get and set, or use data() for both get and set, but don't mix them, because they manage different things.

Using attr():

$(document).ready( function () {
$("#bla").on( "click", function () { alert( $(this).attr('data-bla') ); $(this).attr('data-bla', "2"); });});
<script src=""></script><div id="bla" data-bla="1">  button</div>

Can't update data-attribute value


You aren't using the data method correctly. The correct code to update data is:

$('#foo').data('num', num); 

So your example would be:

var num = $('#foo').data("num") + 1;       
$('#foo').data('num', num);

How to change HTML Attribude with JavaScript

document.getElementById("myId").setAttribute("data-theme", "newValue")

How to access data-attributes of HTML elements using javascript

This answer shows how you can get a custom attribute from JavaScript.

Summary: you can use getAttribute()


EDIT:@James also makes a good point, which is x is the selector, not the option. Thus you will probably need a combination of our two answers:


how to prevent HTML object element with binded data attribute from refreshing after full screen on samsung internet browser

I used iframe instead of object and problem solved!

Changing data attribute

For changing the data-dropoff-min value

$('select[class="hour"]').attr('data-dropoff-hour', "Your Updated value");

Replace the string "Your Updated value" with your updated value.

In general,
$(selector).attr('data-attribute', 'updated value');

Hope this will help you.

How to add a 'data-*' attribute when using Object.assign to create an html element

Maybe this might be a nicer way to do this, if all you want is to set attributes to the image element.

const imageRef = document.createElement('img');

className: 'carouselItem',
src: `/public/leerlingen/${data.item}`,
loading: 'eager',
'data-showtime': data.duration
}).forEach(([key, value]) => {
imageRef.setAttribute(key, value);

Change data-attribute on click of HTML elements

Here is a pure javascript example in the below jsfiddle:

    var tbody = document.querySelector('tbody');
var trs = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr');
var tr, index = 0, length = trs.length;
for (; index < length; index++) {
tr = trs[index];
tr.setAttribute('data-state', 'enabled');
tr.setAttribute('data-display', 'collapsed');
function () {
if (this.classList.contains('alphabet-label')) {
var trIndex = 0, trLength = trs.length, hasExpanded = false;
var state = 'disabled';
if (tbody.querySelectorAll('[data-display="expanded"]').length > 0) {
hasExpanded = true;
state = 'enabled';
for (; trIndex < trLength; trIndex++) {
trs[trIndex].setAttribute('data-state', state);
trs[trIndex].setAttribute('data-display', 'collapsed');
if (!hasExpanded) {
this.setAttribute('data-state', 'enabled');
this.setAttribute('data-display', 'expanded');

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