How to Bind to List of Checkbox Values with Angularjs

How do I bind to list of checkbox values with AngularJS?

There are two ways to approach this problem. Either use a simple array or an array of objects. Each solution has it pros and cons. Below you'll find one for each case.

With a simple array as input data

The HTML could look like:

<label ng-repeat="fruitName in fruits">
ng-checked="selection.indexOf(fruitName) > -1"
> {{fruitName}}

And the appropriate controller code would be:

app.controller('SimpleArrayCtrl', ['$scope', function SimpleArrayCtrl($scope) {

// Fruits
$scope.fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'naartjie'];

// Selected fruits
$scope.selection = ['apple', 'pear'];

// Toggle selection for a given fruit by name
$scope.toggleSelection = function toggleSelection(fruitName) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(fruitName);

// Is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);

// Is newly selected
else {

Pros: Simple data structure and toggling by name is easy to handle

Cons: Add/remove is cumbersome as two lists (the input and selection) have to be managed

With an object array as input data

The HTML could look like:

<label ng-repeat="fruit in fruits">
- Use `value="{{}}"` to give the input a real value, in case the form gets submitted

- Use `ng-checked="fruit.selected"` to have the checkbox checked based on some angular expression
(no two-way-data-binding)

- Use `ng-model="fruit.selected"` to utilize two-way-data-binding. Note that `.selected`
is arbitrary. The property name could be anything and will be created on the object if not present.
> {{}}

And the appropriate controller code would be:

app.controller('ObjectArrayCtrl', ['$scope', 'filterFilter', function ObjectArrayCtrl($scope, filterFilter) {

// Fruits
$scope.fruits = [
{ name: 'apple', selected: true },
{ name: 'orange', selected: false },
{ name: 'pear', selected: true },
{ name: 'naartjie', selected: false }

// Selected fruits
$scope.selection = [];

// Helper method to get selected fruits
$scope.selectedFruits = function selectedFruits() {
return filterFilter($scope.fruits, { selected: true });

// Watch fruits for changes
$scope.$watch('fruits|filter:{selected:true}', function (nv) {
$scope.selection = (fruit) {
}, true);

Pros: Add/remove is very easy

Cons: Somewhat more complex data structure and toggling by name is cumbersome or requires a helper method


How to bind the model to a list of checkboxes in AngularJS?

Use an ngRepeat with the key/val syntax:

<div class="form-group">
<input ng-repeat="(day, bool) in vm.reportSchedule.RunOnDays" type="checkbox" name="dailyOption" ng-model="vm.reportSchedule.RunOnDays[day]" />{{day}}

How to bind single checkbox value with AngularJS Controller

Try this:

$scope.filter = 0;//or 1


<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filter" ng-true-value="1" ng-false-value="0">

How to populate list of checkbox values with AngularJS?

I believe you should be using ng-checked instead of ng-model for your radio. Like this:

<input type="radio" id="sin_{{option.questionChoiceValue}}_ques{{option.questionId}}"
value="{{option.questionChoiceValue | number}}"
ng-change="onSelect(question, option);" />

Two way binding in a list of checkbox in angular JS

It seems that you should use ng-model within your checkbox
something like this:

<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="col-xs-12" ng-repeat="(i, x) in Nodes track by $index" >
<input type="checkbox" style="width:auto" ng-model="Nodes[i].IsActive" ng-checked="x.IsActive"/>
<label style="width:auto">{{x.NodeName}}</label>
</div>`enter code here`

How to bind a list of checkboxes in AngularJS

i'm not sure what the md-checkbox directive is so i'm just going to use a normal checkbox input. Generally speaking, setting a default value for inputs in angular involves 2 things:

  • Make sure your inputs have ng-model to store the value of the checkbox and for 2 way data binding (so that you can set it from the controller as well)
  • In your controller set the variable declared in the ng-model to whatever default value you want.

So in you html:

<input type="checkbox" class="md-warn md-align-top-left" ng-
model="formationSelection[$index]" ng-true-value="{{formationType}}"

Make sure you use ng-true-value to declare the value of each checkbox when checked. The ng-model is set to formationSelection[$index] which basically means each checkbox is an item inside the formationSelection array, this way the array will be the collection of the values of all checked inputs.

Now $scope.formationSelection = res.candidatureProjetProfessionnel.formations should work

Here's a working plunker:

Bind all values from array using ng-checked (checkbox) in AngularJS

You can try this:

  1. in 'is newly selected', you pushed only the employee name.
    I changed it to push the whole object of the employee by finding him in the employees array.
  2. in ng-repeat of selected-item, I run all the employees and print its data.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.controller('checkBoxController', function ($scope) {

$scope.employees=[{name:'John', age:25, gender:'boy'},

{name:'Jessie', age:30, gender:'girl'},

{name:'Johanna', age:28, gender:'girl'},

{name:'Joy', age:15, gender:'girl'},

{name:'Mary', age:28, gender:'girl'},

{name:'Peter', age:95, gender:'boy'},

{name:'Sebastian', age:50, gender:'boy'},

{name:'Erika', age:27, gender:'girl'},

{name:'Patrick', age:40, gender:'boy'},

{name:'Samantha', age:60, gender:'girl'}];


// toggle selection for a given employee by name

$scope.toggleSelection = function toggleSelection(employeeName) {

const idx = $scope.selection.findIndex(employee => === employeeName);

// is currently selected

if (idx > -1) {

$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);


// is newly selected

else {

const employee = $scope.employees.find(employee => === employeeName);




<html ng-app="myApp">


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>



<div class="panel" ng-controller="checkBoxController">

<div class="check-box-panel">

<div ng-repeat="employee in employees">

<div class="action-checkbox">

<input id="{{}}" type="checkbox" value="{{}}" ng-checked="selection.indexOf( > -1" ng-click="toggleSelection(" />

<label for="{{}}"></label>





<div class="selected-items-panel">

<span class="selected-item">Selected Items:<span>

<div ng-repeat="employee in selection" class="selected-item">

[<span>Name: {{}} </span>, <span>age: {{employee.age}} </span>]






How can I bind list from database into checkbox in AngularJS?

I'll try to help you with assumption that it's not involving ASP.Net controls, just pure HTML controls with Angular

persons is an array of object: {name: "Mark", id: "00001"}. In this case any changes to persons will affect the displayed text inside <li> tag and vice versa


<li ng-repeat="person in persons">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="person.selected" ng-change="onChecked(person)"/>
span {{ }}

Controller(javascript part):

$scope.onChecked = function(selectedPerson){

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