How to Automatic Click a Button on a Webpage

How to automatically click a submit button on a web page every few minutes?

You can trigger a click event every second using javascript like so

setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

Now that said clicking on the button only means calling a function, so you could also call it directly

setInterval(refreshdata, 1000)

I'm not sure why you would want to attempt triggering this when the page does not exist or when your computer is off, as by definition the page (and your code) does not exist at this time. If some routine logic needs to happen that will likely be done in your backend codebase, independently from your frontend application.

How to automatically click a button on a website on daily basis

There is a name for that - Crawler.
You can use the Puppeteer library to create a headless web browser and simulate any kind of action.

The production may be on a public server, like Heroku or Deta.

Puppeteer dev web documentation

I want to auto click a button on the website as the extension is clicked

You can try this code in your background script:

chrome.browserAction.onclicked.addListener(tab => {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab, {code:
`var theButton = document.querySelector("button");
if (theButton);`});

When your extension's icon (browser action) is clicked, it will click on the first button of the active webpage. If you want a specific button, refine the selector in document.querySelector call.

How to auto click an input button

I see what you really want to auto submit the form. This would do it:

window.onload = function(){
var button = document.getElementById('clickButton');

If what you want is really auto submit the form automatically n times, each second, whis would do:

window.onload = function(){
var button = document.getElementById('clickButton'),
form = button.form;

form.addEventListener('submit', function(){
return false;

var times = 100; //Here put the number of times you want to auto submit
(function submit(){
if(times == 0) return;
setTimeout(submit, 1000); //Each second


How to Automatically Click Button on a Webpage

i think if you follow the idea that i will show, you will catch the solution

consider that you have two buttons one called "Call set time out" and another is your desired button "Add to cart"

and on "Call set time out" click event you want to call "Add to Cart" button event so you should do the following

the html will be

<input type="button" id = "Call-set-time-out" value= "Call set time out" />
<input type="button" id = "add-to-cart-button" value= "Add to cart"/>

and the jquery script will be

 $( "#Call-set-time-out" ).click(function() {

$( "#add-to-cart-button" ).click(function() {
alert( "add-to-cart-button .click() event called." );

i hope this will help you and good luck for you journey in Jquery world

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