How to Access Xhr Responsebody (For Binary Data) from JavaScript in Ie

how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE?

Yes, the answer I came up with for reading binary data via XHR in IE, is to use VBScript injection. This was distasteful to me at first, but, I look at it as just one more browser dependent bit of code.
(The regular XHR and responseText works fine in other browsers; you may have to coerce the mime type with XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType(). This isn't available on IE).

This is how I got a thing that works like responseText in IE, even for binary data.
First, inject some VBScript as a one-time thing, like this:

if(/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script =
"<!-- IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr -->\r\n"+
"<script type='text/vbscript' language='VBScript'>\r\n"+
"Function IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(Binary)\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr = CStr(Binary)\r\n"+
"End Function\r\n"+
"Function IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(Binary)\r\n"+
" Dim lastIndex\r\n"+
" lastIndex = LenB(Binary)\r\n"+
" if lastIndex mod 2 Then\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last = Chr( AscB( MidB( Binary, lastIndex, 1 ) ) )\r\n"+
" Else\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last = "+'""'+"\r\n"+
" End If\r\n"+
"End Function\r\n"+

// inject VBScript

The JS class I'm using that reads binary files exposes a single interesting method, readCharAt(i), which reads the character (a byte, really) at the i'th index. This is how I set it up:

// see doc on
function getXMLHttpRequest()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new window.XMLHttpRequest;
else {
try {
return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
catch(ex) {
return null;

// this fn is invoked if IE
function IeBinFileReaderImpl(fileURL){
this.req = getXMLHttpRequest();"GET", fileURL, true);
this.req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined");
// my helper to convert from responseBody to a "responseText" like thing
var convertResponseBodyToText = function (binary) {
var byteMapping = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < 256; j++ ) {
byteMapping[ String.fromCharCode( i + j * 256 ) ] =
String.fromCharCode(i) + String.fromCharCode(j);
// call into VBScript utility fns
var rawBytes = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(binary);
var lastChr = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(binary);
return rawBytes.replace(/[\s\S]/g,
function( match ) { return byteMapping[match]; }) + lastChr;

this.req.onreadystatechange = function(event){
if (that.req.readyState == 4) {
that.status = "Status: " + that.req.status;
//that.httpStatus = that.req.status;
if (that.req.status == 200) {
// this doesn't work
//fileContents = that.req.responseBody.toArray();

// this doesn't work
//fileContents = new VBArray(that.req.responseBody).toArray();

// this works...
var fileContents = convertResponseBodyToText(that.req.responseBody);

fileSize = fileContents.length-1;
if(that.fileSize < 0) throwException(_exception.FileLoadFailed);
that.readByteAt = function(i){
return fileContents.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
if (typeof callback == "function"){ callback(that);}

// this fn is invoked if non IE
function NormalBinFileReaderImpl(fileURL){
this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', fileURL, true);
this.req.onreadystatechange = function(aEvt) {
if (that.req.readyState == 4) {
if(that.req.status == 200){
var fileContents = that.req.responseText;
fileSize = fileContents.length;

that.readByteAt = function(i){
return fileContents.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
if (typeof callback == "function"){ callback(that);}
//XHR binary charset opt by Marcus Granado 2006 []
this.req.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');

The conversion code was provided by Miskun.

Very fast, works great.

I used this method to read and extract zip files from Javascript, and also in a class that reads and displays EPUB files in Javascript. Very reasonable performance. About half a second for a 500kb file.

Accessing binary data from Javascript, Ajax, IE: can responseBody be read from Javascript (not VB)?

I guess answer is plain "no", as per this post: how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE?

(or: "use VBScript to help")

How do I access 8-bit binary data from Javascript in Opera?

Opera 12.00 introduced support for responseType; unfortunately, there's a bug in it that means given a text/* MIME type you'll end up the file as 16-bit words. It's fixed in 12.01, but the simplest fix is to set the override type as application/octet-stream. (This is CORE-46938 for those of you desiring to stalk a closed bug-tracker.)

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