How to Access Object Using Dynamic Key

How to access object using dynamic key?

You can access objects like arrays:


Accessing an object property with a dynamically-computed name

There are two ways to access properties of an object:

  • Dot notation:
  • Bracket notation: something['bar']

The value between the brackets can be any expression. Therefore, if the property name is stored in a variable, you have to use bracket notation:

var something = {
bar: 'foo'
var foo = 'bar';

// both x = something[foo] and something[foo] = x work as expected

Typescript access and assign object property by dynamic key

I managed to find a not-too-dirty workaround that works for my use case. See example below:

myObj = {
[myTestKey]: myObj2[myTestKey]

Note: myObj is now let instead of const

Typescript Playground

Dynamic key name inside an object

You can type hint dynamic keys by this syntax: {[key: string]: any}, so in your case, this should get the result you're looking for:

* @typedef {{
* [key: string]: [{
* method: string,
* name: string
* }]
* }} MyObject

* @type {MyObject}
const object = {
healthcheck: [
{ method: 'get', name: 'test' }
users: [
{ method: 'get', name: 'auth' }

The typedef is for convenience of using the type in various places in your code, but if you need intellisense to show the full shape of the type, you can use the type directly:

* @param {{
* [key: string]: [{
* method: string,
* name: string
* }]
* }} routes
const xt = routes => {}

How to dynamically access object property in TypeScript

"OK" is a string, and str is implicitly taking the type string in your code.

When you try to access an object's property, you need to use a type keyof. TypeScript then knows you are not assigning a random string; you are assigning strings compatible with the properties (keys) for the object.

Also, since status is a variable, not a type, you need to extract its type with typeof.


let str = "OK" as keyof typeof status;
status[str]; // 200

or more cleanly:

type StatusKey = keyof typeof status;
let str: StatusKey = "OK";
status[str]; // 200

// and to answer the question about reversal
status[status.OK as StatusKey]; // OK


Typescript access object key dynamically

You have to provide a type for the COLORS object:

// Theme.ts
const COLORS: Record<string, string> = {
DEFAULT: '#172B4D',
PRIMARY: '#5E72E4',

export default { COLORS };

// Other Component:
const color= 'PRIMARY';
const colorStyle = color && COLORS[color.toUpperCase()];

A working example here.

Vue JS access object by dynamic key within object

<div v-for="(server, index) in servers" :key="index">
{{ Object.values(server)[0].agent.memFree }}

How to access object property with dynamic key in Typescript?

I got it working by declaring an interface like so:

interface Variant {
[key: string]: string | number | string[];

and then

(updatedVariant as Variant)[key] = e.currentTarget.value;

My mistake was to think that key was missing a type or something when in fact I needed an interface for updatedVariant.

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