Jquery - Hashchange Event

JQuery hashchange event - where to place?

You can trigger it manually like:

$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).on('hashchange', function () {
//do something

Or you can do it like:

$(document).ready(function () {
//attaching the event listener
$(window).on('hashchange', function () {
//do something

//manually tiggering it if we have hash part in URL
if (window.location.hash) {

the hashchange event of jQuery doesn't work if I open a page with hash directly

You have to trigger the event manually on page load. The event will only get triggered when there is a direct action from the user.
Since it is page load with no action from the user the on hashchange event will not get triggered.

$(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {

If you want to fire the event only when there is a hash value then

$(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {

if (window.location.hash) {

hashchange event not triggered with jquery in simple spa

Correct me if I am mistaken, but you are executing the function in your bind. You want it like this:

    $(window).bind('hashchange', onHashchange).trigger('hashchange');

Without the '()' after.

Bear in mind, the support of this is limited in some browsers.

Excerpt from: jQuery - hashchange event

if (("onhashchange" in window) && !($.browser.msie)) { 
window.onhashchange = function () {
// Or $(window).bind( 'hashchange',function(e) {
// alert(window.location.hash);
// });
else {
var prevHash = window.location.hash;
window.setInterval(function () {
if (window.location.hash != prevHash) {
prevHash = window.location.hash;
}, 100);

Adapt according to your needs.

jQuery hashchange event instantly executes animation with no speed

If you're changing a hash to an anchor that exists, it'll automatically jump to that anchor without waiting for the animation. You can see that this happens by just removing your animation since it still jumps. This can be fixed by using hashes in your URL that don't actually have an element with the corresponding id and changing your selector is scrollTop to accommodate for this.

For example, you could change the id of an "about" section to be about-section and continue to use #about as the hash. Then instead of scrollTop: jQuery(window.location.hash).offset().top, you'd use scrollTop: jQuery(window.location.hash + "-section").offset().top to avoid the automatic jump to the element.

jquery: hashchange, prevent jumping to hash

problem is in your jquery.each block.

"return true" inside jquery.each block will not return but continue for next items.
Also, this will not return from your determineContent function, so the next code for scroll will also be executed and determineContent will always return false.

use a flag e.g.

var found = false;
if(found) return;
//if your condition is true then found = true

if(found) return true;
//else continue the next line.

How to trigger an event when hash location changes

You should write 'hashchange' instead of 'onhashchange' in your first example.

This code works fine for me, at least in Chrome:

window.addEventListener('hashchange', function(e){

Here is short code-snippet:

How can I detect changes in location hash?

The only way to really do this (and is how the 'reallysimplehistory' does this), is by setting an interval that keeps checking the current hash, and comparing it against what it was before, we do this and let subscribers subscribe to a changed event that we fire if the hash changes.. its not perfect but browsers really don't support this event natively.

Update to keep this answer fresh:

If you are using jQuery (which today should be somewhat foundational for most) then a nice solution is to use the abstraction that jQuery gives you by using its events system to listen to hashchange events on the window object.

$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
//.. work ..

The nice thing here is you can write code that doesn't need to even worry about hashchange support, however you DO need to do some magic, in form of a somewhat lesser known jQuery feature jQuery special events.

With this feature you essentially get to run some setup code for any event, the first time somebody attempts to use the event in any way (such as binding to the event).

In this setup code you can check for native browser support and if the browser doesn't natively implement this, you can setup a single timer to poll for changes, and trigger the jQuery event.

This completely unbinds your code from needing to understand this support problem, the implementation of a special event of this kind is trivial (to get a simple 98% working version), but why do that when somebody else has already.

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