Good "Background-Size: Cover" Fallbacks/Shims/Tricks for Cross-Browser Compatibility on Divs

IE CSS Background Image Work Around

Possibly better to not use the image as a background image.

Just place it as a normal img tag on the page - probably within a DIV.

<div class="logo"><img src="logo.png" alt="Sample Image"></div>

img {
max-width: 100%;

.logo {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;

Background-size workaround for lte IE8?

there are many other ways to go around. Check this source and choose which you prefer.

CSS Background Sizing Polyfill?

could try this.

I'm in the process of looking as well.

Alternative for background-size:cover in IE7+

backgroundSize.js will not actually stretch the bg image in IE7, it seems to just center it at the original size. See their demo and click on 'Check what IE6-7-8 users would normally see.'


I have read that backstretch will work in IE7+

Good luck!

IE7, CSS3, background images & scaling

AlphaImageLoader puts an image between the object background and content, so everything underneath is obscured. Use a background-size shim or a pure CSS lightbox as an alternative.

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