Getting How Many People Are in a Chat Room in Socket.Io

getting how many people are in a chat room in

If you're using version < 1,

var clients = io.sockets.clients(; // all users from room

How to check how many participants are connected to my chat room using socket IO

In the latest version of, you can see how many sockets are in a given chat room with this:


Where testRoomis whatever the name of your chat room is (whatever you used .join() with.


is an Object where each property name except .length is the of the socket that is in the chat room.

FYI, the code you show in your question doesn't appear to have anything to do with chat rooms so that has me a bit perplexed.

How to find amount of clients in room in socketio

I found the answer, io.sockets.adapter.rooms is a map of sets which means to get the size of a specific room is io.sockets.adapter.rooms.get(code).size. What I had tried to do seems to be what works for earlier versions but not >3.

How do I get a list of connected sockets/clients with Socket.IO?

In Socket.IO 0.7 you have a clients method on the namespaces. This returns an array of all connected sockets.

API for no namespace:

var clients = io.sockets.clients();
var clients = io.sockets.clients('room'); // all users from room `room`

For a namespace

var clients = io.of('/chat').clients();
var clients = io.of('/chat').clients('room'); // all users from room `room`

Note: This solution only works with a version prior to 1.0

From 1.x and above, please refer to getting how many people are in a chat room in

Socket.IO Connected User Count

There is a github issue for this. The problem is that whenever someone disconnects doesn't delete ( splice ) from the array, but simply sets the value to "null", so in fact you have a lot of null values in your array, which make your clients().length bigger than the connections you have in reality.

You have to manage a different way for counting your clients, e.g. something like

socket.on('connect', function() { connectCounter++; });
socket.on('disconnect', function() { connectCounter--; });

It's a mind buzz, why the people behind have left the things like that, but it is better explain in the github issue, which I posted as a link!

Socket IO Rooms: Get list of clients in specific room

Just a few things.

  1. when you have the socket you can then set the properties like: socket.nickname = 'Earl'; later to use the save property for example in a console log:

  2. you where missing a closing quote (') in your:

    console.log('User joined chat room 1);

  3. Im not entirely sure about your loop.

Below is the amended code should help you out a bit, also be aware the loop i am using below is asynchronous and this may effect how you handle data transfers.

socket.nickname = 'Earl';

console.log('User joined chat room 1');

var roster = io.sockets.clients('chatroom1');

roster.forEach(function(client) {
console.log('Username: ' + client.nickname);

to help you out more i would need to see all your code as this does not give me context.

socket io rooms names and number of users inside specific room

Indeed, a room only exists as long as there is one client connected to it. Additionally, it is destroyed to free up memory once the last client leaves it as shown here in the socket adapter:

if (this.rooms[room].length === 0) delete this.rooms[room];

To get the real room names, you will have to keep track of them on the server side. The easiest way would be an object of user counts indexed by rooms names.

const usersByRooms = {}

You would first send this full object when a new socket connects

socket.emit('getAllRooms' usersByRoom)

And iterate on this object by its keys when you receive it on the client

socket.on('getAllRooms', (usersByRoom) => {
Object.keys(usersByRoom).forEach(roomName =>
console.log(roomName, usersByRoom[roomName]))

I'm assuming your page would need to have the number of clients connected to your room updated live. For this, you need to have a method to broadcast the number of users of a room if it were to change, and updating your usersByRooms cache accordingly, like this:

const updateCount = roomName => {
const userCount = io.sockets.clients(roomName).length
// we do not update if the count did not change
if (userCount === usersByRoom[roomName]) { return }
usersByRoom[roomName] = userCount
io.emit('updateCount', { roomName, userCount })

This method needs to be called every-time a socket joins and leaves a room successfully by using the callback of these two methods:

socket.join(roomName, () => {

socket.leave(roomName, () => {

You could now hook into the new disconnecting event added in in case your client disconnects or simply closes your application to broadcast the new count to any room the socket was connected to.

socket.on('disconnecting', () => {
const rooms = socket.rooms.slice()
// ...

This approach might be a little tricky as you would need to keep track of the rooms of the socket being disconnected and update them right after the socket completed the disconnection.

A simpler method would be to iterate over all the rooms right after every socket disconnection and call the updateCount, since the method only broadcasts an event if the user count of the room changed, it should be fine un less you have thousands of rooms.

socket.on('disconnected', () => {

Please note that it gets a bit tricky if you are using a socket cluster, but I'm assuming a normal setup. 2.0 get connected clients in a room

Unfortunately, this answer doesn't completely satisfy OPs question. If you are using to manage socket connections you can get connected clients like

io.of('/').adapter.clients((err, clients) => {
console.log(clients); // an array containing all connected socket ids

io.of('/').adapter.clients(['room1', 'room2'], (err, clients) => {
console.log(clients); // an array containing socket ids in 'room1' and/or 'room2'

// you can also use'room3').clients((err, clients) => {
console.log(clients); // an array containing socket ids in 'room3'

this is from :

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