Get Name of Object or Class

Get name of object or class

Get your object's constructor function and then inspect its name property.

Returns "myClass".

Java - get the current class name?

The "$1" is not "useless non-sense". If your class is anonymous, a number is appended.

If you don't want the class itself, but its declaring class, then you can use getEnclosingClass(). For example:

Class<?> enclosingClass = getClass().getEnclosingClass();
if (enclosingClass != null) {
} else {

You can move that in some static utility method.

But note that this is not the current class name. The anonymous class is different class than its enclosing class. The case is similar for inner classes.

How to get a JavaScript object's class?

There's no exact counterpart to Java's getClass() in JavaScript. Mostly that's due to JavaScript being a prototype-based language, as opposed to Java being a class-based one.

Depending on what you need getClass() for, there are several options in JavaScript:

  • typeof
  • instanceof
  • obj.constructor
  • func.prototype, proto.isPrototypeOf

A few examples:

function Foo() {}
var foo = new Foo();

typeof Foo; // == "function"
typeof foo; // == "object"

foo instanceof Foo; // == true; // == "Foo" // == "Foo"

Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(foo); // == true = function (x) {return x+x;};; // == 42

Note: if you are compiling your code with Uglify it will change non-global class names. To prevent this, Uglify has a --mangle param that you can set to false is using gulp or grunt.

Getting the class name of an instance

Have you tried the __name__ attribute of the class? ie type(x).__name__ will give you the name of the class, which I think is what you want.

>>> import itertools
>>> x = itertools.count(0)
>>> type(x).__name__

If you're still using Python 2, note that the above method works with new-style classes only (in Python 3+ all classes are "new-style" classes). Your code might use some old-style classes. The following works for both:


How to determine an object's class?

if (obj instanceof C) {
//your code

Get an object's class name at runtime

Simple answer :

class MyClass {}

const instance = new MyClass();

console.log(; // MyClass
console.log(; // MyClass

However: beware that the name will likely be different when using minified code.

How to get the object name from within the class?

object1 is just an identifier(or variable) pointing to an instance object, objects don't have names.

>>> class A:
... def foo(self):
... print self
>>> a = A()
>>> b = a
>>> c = b
>>> a,b,c #all of them point to the same instance object
(<__main__.A instance at 0xb61ee8ec>, <__main__.A instance at 0xb61ee8ec>, <__main__.A instance at 0xb61ee8ec>)

a,b,c are simply references that allow us to access a same object, when an object has 0 references it is automatically garbage collected.

A quick hack will be to pass the name when creating the instance:

>>> class A:
... def __init__(self, name):
... = name
>>> a = A('a')
>>> foo = A('foo')
>>> bar = foo # additional references to an object will still return the original name

Get the name of a Dart class as a Type or String

The class type can be used as a Type:

Type myType = MyClass;

how can i get an object name when it is created in java?

  1. If you mean the name property, you can't with your code as written. You'd need to either make name public, or provide a public getter for it

  2. If you mean the name of the class, it would be

  3. If you mean the name of the variable you've assigned it to (book), you can't, that isn't information available at runtime (outside of a debug build and debugger introspection).

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