A Proper Wrapper for Console.Log with Correct Line Number

A proper wrapper for console.log with correct line number?

I found a simple solution to combine the accepted answer (binding to console.log/error/etc) with some outside logic to filter what is actually logged.

// or window.log = {...}
var log = {
set level(level) {
if (level >= this.ASSERT) this.a = console.assert.bind(window.console);
else this.a = function() {};
if (level >= this.ERROR) this.e = console.error.bind(window.console);
else this.e = function() {};
if (level >= this.WARN) this.w = console.warn.bind(window.console);
else this.w = function() {};
if (level >= this.INFO) this.i = console.info.bind(window.console);
else this.i = function() {};
if (level >= this.DEBUG) this.d = console.debug.bind(window.console);
else this.d = function() {};
if (level >= this.VERBOSE) this.v = console.log.bind(window.console);
else this.v = function() {};
this.loggingLevel = level;
get level() { return this.loggingLevel; }
log.level = log.DEBUG;


log.e('Error doing the thing!', e); // console.error
log.w('Bonus feature failed to load.'); // console.warn
log.i('Signed in.'); // console.info
log.d('Is this working as expected?'); // console.debug
log.v('Old debug messages, output dominating messages'); // console.log; ignored because `log.level` is set to `DEBUG`
log.a(someVar == 2) // console.assert
  • Note that console.assert uses conditional logging.
  • Make sure your browser's dev tools shows all message levels!

Wrapping a wrapper of console log with correct file/line number?

You can set default arguments (the string "special: ") using bind. So this should work:

specialLog =  Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console, "Special: ");
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


When specialLog get called, the first argument passed to console.log will always be "Special: ", so if you call it like:

specialLog("Hello, world!");

it will be as if you call console.log like:

console.log("Special: ", "Hello, world!");

which prints the string: "Special: Hello, world!", your desired result.

user7552 (op) edit:

for my case, it would be:

specialLog =  Function.prototype.bind.call(this.log, console, "Special:");

using this.log (reference inside the debugger class), instead of console.log.

Wrapping console.log with additional function and correct line numbers

Just for anyone who comes across this i wrote a babel plugin to solve this issue:


console.log line number in debugger

The function you get from using Function.prototype.bind on console.log will point to the line number where it’s called. It’s a bit limited, but if you only ever want to pass it one string argument, it’ll work:

const logSuc = console.log.bind(console, '%c %s',
'background: green; color: white');

Tested in both Firefox and Chrome.

For more complex behaviour, you can manually blackbox the script containing the logging function, as described in this answer for Chrome and by activating the “blackbox” button on a script in the debugger in Firefox (beside {} Pretty print source, an eye icon).

Get console wrapper to log message on correct line

To be precise on what I did to get the error number including the regex needed to grab it.

        var err = getErrorObject();
var caller_line = err.stack.split("\n")[4];
var index = caller_line.indexOf("at ");
var clean = caller_line.slice(index+2, caller_line.length);
var number = clean.match(/(?!:)\d*(?=\:)/g);

how to console.log the number of the line in the code

You can use (new Error()).stack to get the stack trace at the current line. it would require some additional parsing to get the line number however.

e.g., console.log((new Error()).stack.split(':')[1]) will get it assuming it is at the root of the file, but once you start adding it to functions you'd need something a little more sophisticated.

"❌ the error is on the line N." +
new Error().stack.split(":")[3]

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