Generate Child Row Under a Parent Row in HTML Table

Generate child row under a parent row in html table

Rowspan will work for you

Please refer to the following

<table class="table" border="1">        <thead>            <tr>                <th>Sr</th>                <th>Title</th>                <th>Description</th>            </tr>        </thead>        <tbody>            <tr>                <td rowspan="3">1</td>                <td >Hello</td>                <td >Hello How Are You</td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td>Hello 2</td>                <td>Hello How Are You 2</td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td>Hello 3</td>                <td>Hello How Are You 3</td>            </tr>
<tr> <td rowspan="3">2</td> <td >Hello</td> <td >Hello How Are You</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hello 2</td> <td>Hello How Are You 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hello 3</td> <td>Hello How Are You 3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

Expand and collapse child row on click of a link in the parent row of a table

You can do it using closest() and nextUntil() methods and :has() pseudo selector like following.

$(".showhr").click(function() {    $(this).closest('tr').nextUntil("tr:has(.showhr)").toggle("slow", function() {});});
<script src=""></script><table class="table table-striped reportTable">    <thead>        <tr>            <th>Product Type</th>            <th>Product Name</th>            <th>Face Value</th>            <th>My Stock</th>            <th>Ordered Stock</th>            <th>Sub Account Stock</th>        </tr>    </thead>    <tbody>        <tr>            <td><a class="showhr" href="#">SIM</a></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td>574,888</td>            <td>0</td>            <td>0</td>        </tr>        <tr class="aser">            <!--child row-->            <td></td>            <td>EPin £5</td>            <td>£05</td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>        </tr>        <tr class="aser">            <!--child row-->            <td></td>            <td>EPin £10</td>            <td>£15</td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td><a class="showhr" href="#">SIM</a></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td>574,888</td>            <td>0</td>            <td>0</td>        </tr>        <tr class="aser">            <!--child row-->            <td></td>            <td>EPin £5</td>            <td>£05</td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>        </tr>        <tr class="aser">            <!--child row-->            <td></td>            <td>EPin £10</td>            <td>£15</td>            <td></td>            <td></td>            <td></td>        </tr>    </tbody></table>

How to make child rows visible on clicking parent rows using javascript

What you need to do is give class to parent row and then toggle child rows based on jquery next function

 var json = [{     Message: "abc",     name: "Some name",     id: 345,     col4:2,     col5:5 }];
var $container = $("#container"); var $thead = $("#container table thead"); var $tbody = $("#container table tbody"); var $row = $("#container table tbody tr");
// Loop through items in JSON data.. json.forEach(function(item) { var $button = $("<button>" + item.Message + "</button>"); $container.prepend($button); var table = $("<table>"); table.append($("<tr><th>col1</th><th>col2</th><th>col3</th><th>col4</th><th>col5</th></tr>")); // Button click handler.. $button.on("click", function() { // Replace row HTML.. //parent row var row=$('<tr class="parent_row" ><td>' + item.Message + '</td>' + '<td>' + + '</td>' + '<td>' + + '</td>' + '</td>' + "" + '</td>' + '<td>' + "" + '</td></tr>'); table.append(row); //child row var row=$('<tr style="display: none"><td>' + "" + '</td>' + '<td>' + "" + '</td>' + '<td>' + "" + '</td>' + '<td>' + item.col4 + '</td>' + '<td>' + item.col5 + '</td></tr>'); table.append(row); $("#table").html(table); $('.parent_row').click(function() { $(this).next().toggle();}) // Show table if it's not already visible..
}); });
table {   margin-top: 20px;   border: 1px solid silver;   width: 500px; }
th { text-align: left; } button { margin-left: 15px; }
<script src=""></script> <div id="container">   <div id="table">   </div>

Child row above parent row on datatable

Try below logic: add tr before clicked tr with class="child". Check if clicked tr has class details and accordingly add or remove child before tr.

var tableData = {  "draw": 1,  "recordsTotal": 57,  "recordsFiltered": 57,  "data": [    {      "DT_RowId": "row_5",      "first_name": "Airi",      "last_name": "Satou",      "position": "Accountant",      "office": "Tokyo",      "start_date": "28th Nov 08",      "salary": "$162,700"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_25",      "first_name": "Angelica",      "last_name": "Ramos",      "position": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)",      "office": "London",      "start_date": "9th Oct 09",      "salary": "$1,200,000"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_3",      "first_name": "Ashton",      "last_name": "Cox",      "position": "Junior Technical Author",      "office": "San Francisco",      "start_date": "12th Jan 09",      "salary": "$86,000"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_19",      "first_name": "Bradley",      "last_name": "Greer",      "position": "Software Engineer",      "office": "London",      "start_date": "13th Oct 12",      "salary": "$132,000"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_28",      "first_name": "Brenden",      "last_name": "Wagner",      "position": "Software Engineer",      "office": "San Francisco",      "start_date": "7th Jun 11",      "salary": "$206,850"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_6",      "first_name": "Brielle",      "last_name": "Williamson",      "position": "Integration Specialist",      "office": "New York",      "start_date": "2nd Dec 12",      "salary": "$372,000"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_43",      "first_name": "Bruno",      "last_name": "Nash",      "position": "Software Engineer",      "office": "London",      "start_date": "3rd May 11",      "salary": "$163,500"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_23",      "first_name": "Caesar",      "last_name": "Vance",      "position": "Pre-Sales Support",      "office": "New York",      "start_date": "12th Dec 11",      "salary": "$106,450"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_51",      "first_name": "Cara",      "last_name": "Stevens",      "position": "Sales Assistant",      "office": "New York",      "start_date": "6th Dec 11",      "salary": "$145,600"    },    {      "DT_RowId": "row_4",      "first_name": "Cedric",      "last_name": "Kelly",      "position": "Senior Javascript Developer",      "office": "Edinburgh",      "start_date": "29th Mar 12",      "salary": "$433,060"    }  ]}function format ( d ) {    return '<tr class="child"><td colspan="5">Full name: '+d.first_name+' '+d.last_name+'<br>'+        'Salary: '+d.salary+'<br>'+        'The child row can contain any data you wish, including links, images, inner tables etc.</td></tr>';} $(document).ready(function() {    var dt = $('#example').DataTable( {        "columns": [            {                "class":          "details-control",                "orderable":      false,                "data":           null,                "defaultContent": ""            },            { "data": "first_name" },            { "data": "last_name" },            { "data": "position" },            { "data": "office" }        ],        "order": [[1, 'asc']]    } ); dt.clear(); dt.rows.add(; dt.draw();    // Array to track the ids of the details displayed rows    var detailRows = [];     $('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'tr td.details-control', function () {        var tr = $(this).closest('tr');        var row = dt.row( tr );        var idx = $.inArray( tr.attr('id'), detailRows );         if ( tr.hasClass('details') ) {            tr.removeClass( 'details' );            tr.prev('tr.child').remove();        }        else {            tr.addClass( 'details' );            tr.before(format(;        }    } );     // On each draw, loop over the `detailRows` array and show any child rows    dt.on( 'draw', function () {        $.each( detailRows, function ( i, id ) {            $('#'+id+' td.details-control').trigger( 'click' );        } );    } );} );
td.details-control {    background: url('') no-repeat center center;    cursor: pointer;}tr.details td.details-control {    background: url('') no-repeat center center;}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script><table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%">        <thead>            <tr>                <th></th>                <th>First name</th>                <th>Last name</th>                <th>Position</th>                <th>Office</th>            </tr>        </thead>        <tfoot>            <tr>                <th></th>                <th>First name</th>                <th>Last name</th>                <th>Position</th>                <th>Office</th>            </tr>        </tfoot>    </table>

mysql - create a summary parent row and child rows from a table

You could enhance your original code a bit and use:

select `Match`, Score
from (
SELECT t1.Team, CONCAT(t1.Team," VS ",t2.Team) as 'Match',
concat(SUM(IF(t1.Winner=1,1,0)), '-',SUM(IF(t2.Winner=1,1,0)), ' "parent"') as 'Score', 1 as ord
FROM matches t1
INNER JOIN matches t2 ON t1.MatchID = t2.MatchID AND t1.Team <> t2.Team WHERE IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY t1.Team, CONCAT(t1.Team," VS ",t2.Team)
SELECT t1.Team, CONCAT(t1.Player," / ",t2.Player),
concat(SUM(IF(t1.Winner=1,1,0)), '-',SUM(IF(t2.Winner=1,1,0)), ' "child"') as 'Score', 2
FROM matches t1
INNER JOIN matches t2 ON t1.MatchID = t2.MatchID AND t1.Team <> t2.Team WHERE IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY t1.Team, CONCAT(t1.Player," / ",t2.Player)
) as q
ORDER BY Team, ord;

See dbfiddle

This kind of problem would be better to be solved in programming language though.

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