Push Objects into an Array in Reactjs

React Js, adding new object to an array

For the view to update, you must call setState, and not just push an item to the array, you can easily do it using the spread syntax:

const newItemInput = this.state.newItemInput;
const newRadioValue = this.state.selectedValue;
const obj = {'item':newItemInput, 'columnType':newRadioValue};
buyItems: [...this.state.buyItems, obj]

An alternative would be create a copy of the old array, push the new item and proceed to set the state:

const newItemInput = this.state.newItemInput;
const newRadioValue = this.state.selectedValue;
const obj = {'item':newItemInput, 'columnType':newRadioValue};
const newArray = this.state.buyItems.slice(); // Create a copy
newArray.push(obj); // Push the object
this.setState({ buyItems: newArray });

how to push objects into array in ReactJS

change const x = Object.entries(book); to const x = Object.values(book);

How to push an object into an array with React Hooks

   const buttonAddCategoryHandler = (e) => {
const newArray = [...formElements.categories.cat, {value: 'newVal', displayValue: 'Friendly Value'}]
categories: {
cat: newArray



Append an object to an array, why does "push" not work?

You can't mutate a state directly in react. In your 2 cases:

    const newToDo = [...todos, { text }];

This one creates a copy of the todos array and adds your extra item. newTodo is a copy and then when you setTodos(newTodo) you set the state to the new copied array.

 const newToDo = todos.push({text})

This one tries to push {text} into todos which is a state. You can't mutate a state directly you have to do this through setTodos().

If you are really set on using push then you can copy the state of todos first then push into the copied array but I think this is extra unecessary work.

How to push Value in an array exist inside in an object of state in react

It sort of looks like you are using the current index to update state.

Shallow copy the state, and any nested state, that is being updated. Use the id to match to the currently mapped comment state, and when you are on the comment you want to update, shallow copy the comment and update the replies property by appending the reply and returning a new array reference.

const addReply = (id, reply) => {
setComments(prevComments => prevComments.map(
(comment, index) => index === id
? {
replies: comment.replies.concat(reply)
: comment

Ideally your comment objects would have a GUID assigned to them, this way it's easier to match them independently of any array sorted order or any other issues that pop up when mutating arrays in React.


import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid';


const addComment = () => {
if (comment.desc !== "") {
setComments((prevComments) => {
return [...prevComments, { ...comment, id: uuidV4() }]
setComment({ author: "", desc: "", replies: [] });

const addReply = (id, reply) => {
setComments(prevComments => prevComments.map(
(comment) => comment.id === id
? {
replies: comment.replies.concat(reply)
: comment

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