Enabling Line Wrap with React-Syntax-Highlighter

Highlight line in react-syntax-highlighter

You can hack on the generated spans. Firstly, without talking about React, let us use plain jQuery to solve the problem:

Open the demo, then run

$(".language-javascript>span:nth-child(3)").css('background-color', 'blue')

and you will see the 3rd line being blue!

Sample Image

Secondly, let us make it work in React. You can use some libraries to inject css codes like .language-javascript>span:nth-child(3) {background-color: blue;} (where 3 is the line number you want to highlight) into React component tree.

Automatic line break in js SyntaxHighlighter

I don't actually use SyntaxHighlight, but it seems to be possible to attach an white-space: pre-wrap CSS style to the <pre> or <script> tag that SyntaxHighlight uses.

HTML (using <pre>):

<pre class="brush: js" class="syntaxhighlight">
* SyntaxHighlighter
function foo()
if (counter <= 10)
// it works!

HTML (using <script>):

<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="syntaxhighlight brush: js"><![CDATA[
* SyntaxHighlighter
function foo()
if (counter <= 10)
// it works!


.syntaxhighlight {
white-space: pre-wrap;

How can I insert a line break into a Text component in React Native?

This should do it:

this is a test message.

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