Dropdown Image Not Visible in Chrome and Ie

Dropdown image not visible in Chrome and IE

You can't do it in webkit (Google) browsers. You will need an alternative solution with ul and li elements.


CSS for Dropdown does not works fine in Chrome and IE

I think your problem in Google Chrome has to do with a bug in version 2.0, but it's solved in 3.0. Here you have a topic about this with link to the bugs:

Why is the html select background-color black in Chrome when set to transparent?

About IE, are you using IE 7 or lower? If so, transparent background is not supported in them. You should apply the same background color than the parent specifically to IE7 and lower (for example with a hack).

CSS dropdown menu not working on IE and Chrome

In the rules for #menu li:hover ul, use display: block; instead of display: flex;. (See demo at http://jsfiddle.net/8LaLa/1/.)

display: flex isn't supported by all browsers - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/display#Browser_compatibility.

Drop Down Menu not showing properly in IE

I added float:left and clear both to #nav li ul li (shown below)

#nav li ul li { 

Here's a demo working in IE -> http://jsfiddle.net/5kWJz/

hamburger dropdown not displaying in ie11

This is now done. Thanks for the help.

Turns out the image I was using was covering too much of the button in IE11 which meant the clickable surface around the image was too small. Chose a smaller image and increased the size of the checkbox and now it works well on both chrome and ie11.

IE not displaying dropdown panel properly

An element that does not exist in the HTML specs will be ignored or at least behave very bad in IE. Other browsers might accept it, but for future compliancy I would encourage you to stick to the HTML specs.

The offer element is unknown, so will be rendered depending on the browser's goodness towards your document. IE7 will crunch it.

But how about tablet browsers, Linux browsers and all others?

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