Document.Createelement('Div') with a Class

document.createElement('div') with a class

Do div.classList.add

let div = document.createElement('div');div.classList.add('test');let text = document.createTextNode('Test');div.appendChild(text);document.body.appendChild(div)
.test {  color: green;}

How can I add a class to a DOM element in JavaScript?

This answer was written/accepted a long time ago. Since then better, more comprehensive answers with examples have been submitted. You can find them by scrolling down. Below is the original accepted answer preserved for posterity.

new_row.className = "aClassName";

Here's more information on MDN: className

Create element and assign class in one step

Although the usual way to do it is a two-step technique, try this:

const el = Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), { className: 'foo' });


How to put a div into the document when that element and its class name are dynamically created (e.g. document.createElement)?

eParent needs to be DOM Element that exists. For example, you could call document.querySelector('body') and get the body, which would then allow you to append to the body element.

It's difficult to give you a direct solution without seeing the HTML structure. But in short, the parent element you want to append to needs to be inside the querySelector function.

How to add class to element created using document.createElement?

before append li tag in the ul you need add your class then append li tag to ul tag like this

 var listItem = document.createElement('LI'); 
listItem.className = 'someClassName';

Add ID/class to objects from createElement method

One way with Javascript, is by using setAttribute:

element.setAttribute(name, value);  


var btn=document.createElement("BUTTON");
btn.setAttribute("id", "btn_id");
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn_class");
btn.setAttribute("width", "250px");
btn.setAttribute("data-comma-delimited-array", "one,two,three,four");
btn.setAttribute("anything-random", document.getElementsByTagName("img").length);

The advantage of this way is that you can assign arbitrary values to arbitrary names.

Add class when element is created

If you want to override the behavior of document.createElement -- really, really want to -- then:

document.createElement = (function() {
var original_createElement = document.createElement.bind(document);
return function(tagName, cls) {
var elt = original_createElement(tagName);
elt.className = cls;
return elt;

A couple of notes about this:

  1. We use a IIFE in order to isolate original_createElement inside the closure.

  2. We need to do the bind on document.createElement because that function requires the document context.

  3. This function is designed to be used as in document.createElement('div', 'foo'). If you really, really want foo to be added to every single element you ever create in the future, then remove the cls argument and do elt.className = 'foo'; instead.

But in any case I don't recommend doing this at all.

Instead, as described in the comments and other answers, define your own functionn:

function createElementWithClassFoo() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
return div;

Or generalize it to any class:

function createElementWithClass(cls) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
return div;

Then call

var divElement = createElementWithClassFoo();
var divElement = createElementWithClass('foo');

Create Element with id or class with React Dom

The id and/or class of foo can be specified via the setAttribute(..) and classList.add(..) methods as shown:

const foo = document.createElement('div');

/* Set id of "some-id" on foo */
foo.setAttribute("id", "some-id");

/* Add class of "some-class" to foo */

How to append an element to a div with className that have a child elemnt with idName

you should get all items has class form-group with querySelectorAll

const arrayElement = document.querySelectorAll('.form-group');

for(let i = 0; i < arrayElement.length; i++)
const errorMessage = document.createElement('span');
errorMessage.textContent = "invalid input";

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