Do Browsers Parse JavaScript on Every Page Load

Storing value in js across page reloads

No, it does not mean variables are stored, or that HTML suddenly has state, it only means Chrome stores the parsed scripts internally so they don't have to be downloaded and parsed again.

This is just an internal optimization to make Chrome faster, not something you have acccess to, you'll still need persistent storage, like cookies, local storage or the server.

Does javascript load serially on every browser?

I actually tested your example in the following browsers, each loaded serially:

  • Firefox
  • IE 7-9
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari

Please read this exhaustive answer for more information on why.

Do browsers read/store everything in a Javascript file or only the stuff they need?

This is a great question!

As an answer to your question, #1 is the most correct, as indeed all functions are parsed by the interpreter during script load, rather than just those referenced by your containing script.

First off, as soon as the include statement executes the entire JS file is loaded into the client's browser cache. At that point global.js is parsed, interpreted and executed by your browser's Javascript engine. Any global functions and variables declared in global.js will then be able to be used by the containing script.

It is important to note, however, that no Javascript is ever compiled into machine code, rather it is lexically parsed and interpreted according to ECMA standards.

For more information on script loading, check out this great resource on html5rocks: Script Loading

When a browser is parsing a JavaScript file, does it block the main thread?

Parsing JS does not block the "main thread", at least that's the behaviour you can observe on modern browsers. The page however is loaded from top to bottom, so if there is JavaScript inbetween, that JS will get downloaded and parsed before the rest gets evaluated.

 Already shown
Not shown.

Therefore it is best practice to either mark your <script>s as deferred or async, or move them to the bottom of the page.

CNN is probably doing that too. The point is in the details:

is fully interactable

As websites nowadays pretty much depend on JS for interactivity, you can't do much without it.

Load and execution sequence of a web page?

Edit: It's 2022. If you are interested in detailed coverage on the load and execution of a web page and how the browser works, you should check out (open sourced at

According to your sample,

<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="abc.js" type="text/javascript">
<link rel="stylesheets" type="text/css" href="abc.css"></link>
$("#img").attr("src", "kkk.png");
<img id="img" src="abc.jpg" style="width:400px;height:300px;"/>
<script src="kkk.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

roughly the execution flow is about as follows:

  1. The HTML document gets downloaded
  2. The parsing of the HTML document starts
  3. HTML Parsing reaches <script src="jquery.js" ...
  4. jquery.js is downloaded and parsed
  5. HTML parsing reaches <script src="abc.js" ...
  6. abc.js is downloaded, parsed and run
  7. HTML parsing reaches <link href="abc.css" ...
  8. abc.css is downloaded and parsed
  9. HTML parsing reaches <style>...</style>
  10. Internal CSS rules are parsed and defined
  11. HTML parsing reaches <script>...</script>
  12. Internal Javascript is parsed and run
  13. HTML Parsing reaches <img src="abc.jpg" ...
  14. abc.jpg is downloaded and displayed
  15. HTML Parsing reaches <script src="kkk.js" ...
  16. kkk.js is downloaded, parsed and run
  17. Parsing of HTML document ends

Note that the download may be asynchronous and non-blocking due to behaviours of the browser. For example, in Firefox there is this setting which limits the number of simultaneous requests per domain.

Also depending on whether the component has already been cached or not, the component may not be requested again in a near-future request. If the component has been cached, the component will be loaded from the cache instead of the actual URL.

When the parsing is ended and document is ready and loaded, the events onload is fired. Thus when onload is fired, the $("#img").attr("src","kkk.png"); is run. So:

  1. Document is ready, onload is fired.
  2. Javascript execution hits $("#img").attr("src", "kkk.png");
  3. kkk.png is downloaded and loads into #img

The $(document).ready() event is actually the event fired when all page components are loaded and ready. Read more about it:$(document).ready()

Edit - This portion elaborates more on the parallel or not part:

By default, and from my current understanding, browser usually runs each page on 3 ways: HTML parser, Javascript/DOM, and CSS.

The HTML parser is responsible for parsing and interpreting the markup language and thus must be able to make calls to the other 2 components.

For example when the parser comes across this line:

<a href="#" onclick="alert('test');return false;" style="font-weight:bold">a hypertext link</a>

The parser will make 3 calls, two to Javascript and one to CSS. Firstly, the parser will create this element and register it in the DOM namespace, together with all the attributes related to this element. Secondly, the parser will call to bind the onclick event to this particular element. Lastly, it will make another call to the CSS thread to apply the CSS style to this particular element.

The execution is top down and single threaded. Javascript may look multi-threaded, but the fact is that Javascript is single threaded. This is why when loading external javascript file, the parsing of the main HTML page is suspended.

However, the CSS files can be download simultaneously because CSS rules are always being applied - meaning to say elements are always repainted with the freshest CSS rules defined - thus making it unblocking.

An element will only be available in the DOM after it has been parsed. Thus when working with a specific element, the script is always placed after, or within the window onload event.

Script like this will cause error (on jQuery):

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>
<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>

Because when the script is parsed, #mydiv element is still not defined. Instead this would work:

<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>


<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>
<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>

How does browser loads DOM and CSSOM partially?

CSSOM stops parsing. Thus execution of subsequent script tags, and also delays rendering.

Script tags before style tags will execute before CSS is loaded into CSSOM from style tags afterwards.

Style tags that come after script tags will alter CSSOM. And if script accessed styles that are being altered then what it read is outdated. Order matters.

Parsing is stopped not just rendering.

JavaScript blocks parsing because it can modify the document. CSS
can’t modify the document, so it seems like there is no reason for it
to block parsing, right?

However, what if a script asks for style information that hasn’t been
parsed yet? The browser doesn’t know what the script is about to
execute—it may ask for something like the DOM node’s background-color
which depends on the style sheet, or it may expect to access the CSSOM

Because of this, CSS may block parsing depending on the order of
external style sheets and scripts in the document. If there are
external style sheets placed before scripts in the document, the
construction of DOM and CSSOM objects can interfere with each other.
When the parser gets to a script tag, DOM construction cannot proceed
until the JavaScript finishes executing, and the JavaScript cannot be
executed until the CSS is downloaded, parsed, and the CSSOM is


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