Difference Between the JavaScript String Type and String Object

Difference between the javascript String Type and String Object?

Strings are a value type in JS, so they can't have any properties attached to them, no prototype, etc. Any attempt to access a property on them is technically performing the JS [[ToObject]] conversion (in essence new String).

Easy way of distinguishing the difference is (in a browser)

a = "foo"
a.b = "bar"
alert("a.b = " + a.b); //Undefined

A = new String("foo");
A.b = "bar";
alert("A.b = " + A.b); // bar

Additionally while

"foo" == new String("foo")

is true, it is only true due to the implicit type conversions of the == operator

"foo" === new String("foo")

will fail.

How do I tell difference between object and string in javascript?

jQuery.type may be interesting to you.

//it's a string

What is the difference between string primitives and String objects in JavaScript?

JavaScript has two main type categories, primitives and objects.

var s = 'test';
var ss = new String('test');

The single quote/double quote patterns are identical in terms of functionality. That aside, the behaviour you are trying to name is called auto-boxing. So what actually happens is that a primitive is converted to its wrapper type when a method of the wrapper type is invoked. Put simple:

var s = 'test';

Is a primitive data type. It has no methods, it is nothing more than a pointer to a raw data memory reference, which explains the much faster random access speed.

So what happens when you do s.charAt(i) for instance?

Since s is not an instance of String, JavaScript will auto-box s, which has typeof string to its wrapper type, String, with typeof object or more precisely s.valueOf(s).prototype.toString.call = [object String].

The auto-boxing behaviour casts s back and forth to its wrapper type as needed, but the standard operations are incredibly fast since you are dealing with a simpler data type. However auto-boxing and Object.prototype.valueOf have different effects.

If you want to force the auto-boxing or to cast a primitive to its wrapper type, you can use Object.prototype.valueOf, but the behaviour is different. Based on a wide variety of test scenarios auto-boxing only applies the 'required' methods, without altering the primitive nature of the variable. Which is why you get better speed.

How do I tell difference between object and string in javascript?

jQuery.type may be interesting to you.

//it's a string

What is the difference between types String and string?

Here is an example that shows the differences, which will help with the explanation.

var s1 = new String("Avoid newing things where possible");
var s2 = "A string, in TypeScript of type 'string'";
var s3: string;

String is the JavaScript String type, which you could use to create new strings. Nobody does this as in JavaScript the literals are considered better, so s2 in the example above creates a new string without the use of the new keyword and without explicitly using the String object.

string is the TypeScript string type, which you can use to type variables, parameters and return values.

Additional notes...

Currently (Feb 2013) Both s1 and s2 are valid JavaScript. s3 is valid TypeScript.

Use of String. You probably never need to use it, string literals are universally accepted as being the correct way to initialise a string. In JavaScript, it is also considered better to use object literals and array literals too:

var arr = []; // not var arr = new Array();
var obj = {}; // not var obj = new Object();

If you really had a penchant for the string, you could use it in TypeScript in one of two ways...

var str: String = new String("Hello world"); // Uses the JavaScript String object
var str: string = String("Hello World"); // Uses the TypeScript string type

difference of String object, and string literal in JavaScript

They differ. A string literal is a primitive value, while a "String" instance is an object. The primitive string type is promoted automatically to a String object when necessary.

Similarly, there are numeric primitives and "Number" instances, and boolean primitives and "Boolean" instances.

Difference between String() and new String() in Javascript

Using the String() constructor without new gives you the string (primitive) value of the passed parameter. It's like boxing the parameter in a native object if necessary (like a Number or Boolean), and then calling .toString() on it. (Of course if you pass a plain object reference it just calls .toString() on that.)

Calling new String(something) makes a String instance object.

The results look the same via console.log() because it'll just extract the primitive string from the String instance you pass to it.

So: just plain String() returns a string primitive. new String(xyz) returns an object constructed by the String constructor.

It's rarely necessary to explicitly construct a String instance.

difference between string object, and primitive string

This statement:

var myString = new String('foo');

...creates a string object initialized with the characters f, o, and o.

This statement:

var myString = new String();

...creates a string object with no characters, but that doesn't matter because this statement:

myString = "foo";

...throws that string object away and replaces that variable's value with a new primitive string with those characters. The net result is exactly the same as:

var myString = "foo";

The reason the output from console.log is different is that the browser providing the console.log is trying to make it clear that one of them is an object and the other is a primitive.

Somewhat confusingly, JavaScript has both string objects and string primitives. (It also has number objects and number primitives.) There is almost never any reason to use new String, which creates a string object; just use the primitive (in your case, a literal) instead. Conversely, there are very good reasons not to use string objects, such as this:

console.log(new String("foo") === new String("foo")); // "false"
console.log(new String("foo") == new String("foo")); // "false"
console.log("foo" === "foo"); // "true"

Because string objects are objects, == and === compare object references, not the sequence of characters. While there may be some edge cases where that's what you want, 99.9% of the time, what you really want is to compare the values. The good news is that:

console.log("foo" == new String("foo")); // "true"

...but that won't be true if you use ===, which doesn't do any type coercion.

You might ask:

So if var myString = "foo" returns a primitive, not an object, how is it that myString.toUpperCase() and such work?

Good question: The answer is that the primitive is automatically promoted to an object so that we can make the function call. (In theory; in practice, implementations are smarter than that.)

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