Getting an Absolute Url from a Relative One. (IE6 Issue)

Convert relative path to absolute using JavaScript

This should do it:

function absolute(base, relative) {
var stack = base.split("/"),
parts = relative.split("/");
stack.pop(); // remove current file name (or empty string)
// (omit if "base" is the current folder without trailing slash)
for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] == ".")
if (parts[i] == "..")
return stack.join("/");

How does a browser resolves/constructs an absolute url from a relative one

string ToAbsoluteUrl(params string[] pathParts)
return new Uri(Path.Combine(pathParts)).ToString();

use it this way:

ToAbsoluteUrl("", "../ir/home");

IE Not using redirected URL for resolving relative URLs

Since we are processing our HTML/JS in another servlet before the call to the colorScheme servlet, what I did was check to see if the requested skin was dynamic (from the servlet) or not at this stage. If the colorScheme is dynamic, I write out the link tag with the address of the CSS servlet, otherwise I write out the address of the CDN.

How to get a URL by a relative path ? - Javascript

You can use this function:

function resolve(url, base_url) {

var doc = document
, old_base = doc.getElementsByTagName('base')[0]
, old_href = old_base && old_base.href
, doc_head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
, our_base = old_base || doc_head.appendChild(doc.createElement('base'))
, resolver = doc.createElement('a')
, resolved_url
our_base.href = base_url;
resolver.href = url;
resolved_url = resolver.href; // browser magic at work here

if (old_base) old_base.href = old_href;
else doc_head.removeChild(our_base);
return resolved_url;
alert(resolve('../../e.mp3', ''));

Here is the fiddle link:

Here it is user for something like same: Getting an absolute URL from a relative one. (IE6 issue)

How to extract absolute URL from relative HTML links using Jsoup?

You need Element#absUrl().

String url ="a").absUrl("href");

You can by the way shorten the select:

Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements links ="div.results dl a");
for (Element link : links) {
String url = link.absUrl("href");

Converting relative paths to absolute with JavaScript

I'm pretty sure that if you use the href property instead of getting the attribute, you'll have a full url with domain:

$("a").live('click', function(){
var url = this.href; // use the property instead of attribute
//do something

As noted in the question linked by @Phrogz, it sounds as though there are issues with IE6.

If you need to support it, you may need to build the href from the different parts like and this.pathname. Those properties are supported by IE6. There are others you could use too, but you'd need to verify support.

jquery live() function deprecated in version 1.7 and removed from 1.9 so use alternate on():

$("a").on('click', function(){
var url = this.href; // use the property instead of attribute
//do something

I need to manually resolve all relative url's in a web page

Unless you're using jQuery or similar I'd just bite the bullet and attack the entire page source.

var entireHTML = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
document.documentElement.innerHTML = entireHTML.replace('href="','href="<path(/)>');

How you determine is up to you, could inject it into your doc.onready function or otherwise inject a global var into the document somewhere.

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