Converting Any String into Camel Case

Converting any string into camel case

I just ended up doing this:

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(str) {
return str
.replace(/\s(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
.replace(/\s/g, '')
.replace(/^(.)/, function($1) { return $1.toLowerCase(); });

I was trying to avoid chaining together multiple replace statements. Something where I'd have $1, $2, $3 in my function. But that type of grouping is hard to understand, and your mention about cross browser problems is something I never thought about as well.

Converting any string into camel case

I just ended up doing this:

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(str) {
return str
.replace(/\s(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
.replace(/\s/g, '')
.replace(/^(.)/, function($1) { return $1.toLowerCase(); });

I was trying to avoid chaining together multiple replace statements. Something where I'd have $1, $2, $3 in my function. But that type of grouping is hard to understand, and your mention about cross browser problems is something I never thought about as well.

HOw to apply regex for converting a string to camel case and remove all special chars from the string-Javascript

Try this:

const cC = str => str.replace(  /[^a-z0-9]*([a-z0-9])([a-z0-9]*)/ig,   (m, u, l) => u.toUpperCase() +  l.toLowerCase() + ' ');
console.log(cC("NOT_AVAI")); // o/p to be"Not Avai" console.log(cC("HEY0-therr")); // o/p to be"Hey0 Therr"

JavaScript space-separated string to camelCase

This should do the trick :

function toCamelCase(sentenceCase) {
var out = "";
sentenceCase.split(" ").forEach(function (el, idx) {
var add = el.toLowerCase();
out += (idx === 0 ? add : add[0].toUpperCase() + add.slice(1));
return out;


  • sentenceCase.split(" ") creates and array out of the sentence eg. ["Sentence", "case", "names"]

  • forEach loops through each variable in the array

  • inside the loop each string is lowercased, then the first letter is uppercased(apart for the first string) and the new string is appended to the out variable which is what the function will eventually return as the result.

Given string is not converting into camelCase in python?

This works for your current examples. The re.sub adds a space between any existing <lower><upper> sequence.

import re

def camelCase(string):
string = re.sub(r'(?:(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z]))|[^a-zA-Z]', ' ', string).title().replace(' ', '')
return ''.join([string[0].lower() + string[1:]])

differentTypeOfString = ['bird flight', 'BirdFlight', '-BIRD-FLIGHT-', 'Bird-Flight', 'bird_flight', '--bird.flight', 'Bird-FLIGHT', 'birdFLIGHT']

for i in differentTypeOfString:



How to convert string to camelCase without using RegEX

Explanation of this simple algorithm:

  1. Your input must have words that split by a certain character, as you need something to identify which part of the string is a word. Let's assume your string has words separated by '//' instead of spaces as you mentioned in the comments, and each of those words is split by '_'.

  2. First you need to split all words in the string into an array, you can use the split() method in order to do that.

  3. Then when iterating through each word, split it again with split() but this time with whatever identifies the different words, in our case it's _.

  4. Iterate through each split words, if it's the first word lowercase it using toLowerCase() and add it to the new word variable, if not, lowercase it and capitalize the first letter.

And that's it. Here's the implementation:

const inputWithoutCamelCase = 'hello_world // HOW_ARE_YOU // foo_BAR'

function stringToCamelCase(string) {
const allNames = string.split('//')
let camelCasedString = '';

for (const name of allNames) {
camelCasedString += nameToCamelCaseHelper(name);

return camelCasedString;

function nameToCamelCaseHelper(word) {
const splittedName = word.split('_');
let camelCasedName = '';

for (let i = 0; i < splittedName.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
camelCasedName += splittedName[i].toLowerCase();
} else {
camelCasedName += capitalizeFirstLetter(splittedName[i].toLowerCase())

return camelCasedName;

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

stringToCamelCase(inputWithoutCamelCase) // helloWorld howAreYou fooBar

Python: String to CamelCase

You may have a working implementation with slight errors as mentioned in your comments, but I propose that you:

  • split by the delimiters

  • apply a capitalization for all but the first of the tokens

  • rejoin the tokens

My implementation is:

def to_camel_case(text):
s = text.replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ")
s = s.split()
if len(text) == 0:
return text
return s[0] + ''.join(i.capitalize() for i in s[1:])

IMO it makes a bit more sense.
The output from running tests is:

>>> to_camel_case("the_stealth_warrior")
>>> to_camel_case("The-Stealth-Warrior")
>>> to_camel_case("A-B-C")

How to convert camelCase to Camel Case?

// insert a space before all caps
.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')
// uppercase the first character
.replace(/^./, function(str){ return str.toUpperCase(); })


This String Is Good

(function() {
const textbox = document.querySelector('#textbox') const result = document.querySelector('#result') function split() { result.innerText = textbox.value // insert a space before all caps .replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1') // uppercase the first character .replace(/^./, (str) => str.toUpperCase()) };
textbox.addEventListener('input', split); split();}());
#result {  margin-top: 1em;  padding: .5em;  background: #eee;  white-space: pre;}
<div>  Text to split  <input id="textbox" value="thisStringIsGood" /></div>
<div id="result"></div>

Convert String To camelCase from TitleCase C#

You just need to lower the first char in the array. See this answer

Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1)

As a side note, seeing as you are removing spaces you can replace the underscore with an empty string.

.Replace("_", string.Empty)

Julia implementation for converting string to snake_case/CamelCase

This doesn't use "reserved words" as mentioned in the question, but instead assumes that a series of upper case letters (along with preceding numbers if any, for eg. "30MW") is supposed to be a word of its own; while also ensuring that "Price" in "30MWPrice" is seen as a separate word.

function snake_case(camelstring::S) where S<:AbstractString

wordpat = r"
^[a-z]+ | #match initial lower case part
[A-Z][a-z]+ | #match Words Like This
\d*([A-Z](?=[A-Z]|$))+ | #match ABBREV 30MW
\d+ #match 1234 (numbers without units)

smartlower(word) = any(islowercase, word) ? lowercase(word) : word
words = [smartlower(m.match) for m in eachmatch(wordpat, camelstring)]

join(words, "_")

using Test

function runtests()
@test snake_case("askBest30MWPrice") == "ask_best_30MW_price"
@test snake_case("welcomeToAIOverlords") == "welcome_to_AI_overlords"
@test snake_case("queryInterface") == "query_interface"
@test snake_case("tst") == "tst"
@test snake_case("1234") == "1234"
@test snake_case("column12Value") == "column_12_value"
@test snake_case("readTOC") == "read_TOC"

(Probably Unimportant) Side Note: You can replace [a-z] with [[:lower:]] and [A-Z] with [[:upper:]] above to make it work for some more languages, for eg. snake_case("helloΩorld") will then return "hello_ωorld". However (like with anything Unicode), there are nuances - for eg., my language (Tamil) doesn't have letter cases, so its letters fall outside both [:lower:] and [:upper:].

A proper Unicode solution using \p{Lo}, [:digit:], and whatever else, is left as an exercise to the reader.

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