Check If Jquery Has Been Loaded, Then Load It If False

check if jquery has been loaded, then load it if false

Maybe something like this:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "path/to/jQuery";

Checking if jquery is loaded using Javascript

something is not right

Well, you are using jQuery to check for the presence of jQuery. If jQuery isn't loaded then $() won't even run at all and your callback won't execute, unless you're using another library and that library happens to share the same $() syntax.

Remove your $(document).ready() (use something like window.onload instead):

window.onload = function() {
if (window.jQuery) {
// jQuery is loaded
} else {
// jQuery is not loaded
alert("Doesn't Work");

Detect if page has finished loading

jQuery(window).load(function () {
alert('page is loaded');

setTimeout(function () {
alert('page is loaded and 1 minute has passed');
}, 60000);



See also for an explanation on the jQuery(window).load.


A detailed explanation on how javascript loading works and the two events DOMContentLoaded and OnLoad can be found on this page.

DOMContentLoaded: When the DOM is ready to be manipulated. jQuery's way of capturing this event is with jQuery(document).ready(function () {});.

OnLoad: When the DOM is ready and all assets - this includes images, iframe, fonts, etc - have been loaded and the spinning wheel / hour class disappear. jQuery's way of capturing this event is the above mentioned jQuery(window).load.

Detect Jquery with regular javascript, if not present load it dynamcally

Something like this should work.

EDIT: Code added from above link.

var jQueryScriptOutputted = false;
function initJQuery() {

//if the jQuery object isn't available
if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {

if (! jQueryScriptOutputted) {
//only output the script once..
jQueryScriptOutputted = true;

//output the script (load it from google api)
document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></scr" + "ipt>");
setTimeout("initJQuery()", 50);
} else {

$(function() {
//do anything that needs to be done on document.ready


How to determine if jQuery is running on a page (even if jQuery is /after/ the detection script)

Given your constraints, I see only two options:

  1. Use window.load event:

    (function() {
    if (window.addEventListener) {
    // Standard
    window.addEventListener('load', jQueryCheck, false);
    else if (window.attachEvent) {
    // Microsoft
    window.attachEvent('onload', jQueryCheck);
    function jQueryCheck() {
    if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") {
    // No one's loaded it; either load it or do without

    window.load happens very late in the loading cycle, though, after all images are and such loaded.

  2. Use a timeout. The good news is that the timeout can probably be quite short.

    (function() {
    var counter = 0;

    function doDetect() {
    if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined") {
    // ...jQuery has been loaded
    else if (++counter < 5) { // 5 or whatever
    setTimeout(doDetect, 10);
    else {
    // Time out (and either load it or don't)

    You'll have to tune to decide the best values for the counter and the interval. But if jQuery isn't loaded even on the first or second loop, my guess (untested) is that it isn't going to be loaded...unless someone else is doing what you're doing. :-)

How can I load jQuery if it is not already loaded?

jQuery is not available immediately as you are loading it asynchronously (by appending it to the <head>). You would have to add an onload listener to the script (jqTag) to detect when it loads and then run your code.


function myJQueryCode() {
//Do stuff with jQuery

if(typeof jQuery=='undefined') {
var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var jqTag = document.createElement('script');
jqTag.type = 'text/javascript';
jqTag.src = 'jquery.js';
jqTag.onload = myJQueryCode;
} else {

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