Can Mustache Templates Do Template Extension

Can Mustache Templates do template extension?

I recently found myself in the same boat, except I came from a mako background.

Mustache does not allow for template extension/inheritance but there are a few options available to you that I know of.

  1. You could use partials:

    Hello {{name}}
  2. You could inject template pre-processing functions into the context for each template that needs to inherit from some other page:

    Hello {{name}}


    "name": "Walden",
    "extendBase": function() {
    return function(text) {
    return "<html><head></head>" + render(text) + "</body></html>"
  3. Prepend and append the desired HTML to the relevant pages in your controller.

  4. Have a layout template ala:


    And render the body in your controller, passing that to the layout template as a variable named body.

  5. Implement template inheritance, pre-mustache, in your code that loads templates.

I wouldn't, however, use the triple mustache because I don't want unescaped HTML to be appearing anywhere, it's just too risky in my opinion.

If someone else has a better solution to this problem I'd love to hear it as well, since I haven't yet taken the plunge in any one of these directions.

Spring Boot .mustache file extension

According to Spring Boot documentation (for v1.5.6, for v2.0.0.M3) you can easily configure the extension of Mustache template files by setting the following property:

spring.mustache.suffix=.mustache # Suffix to apply to template names.

In v1.5.x the default was .html but in v2.0.0 they switched to .mustache. (release notes)

Also you can configure IntelliJ IDEA to handle *.html files with the Handlebars/Mustache plugin by registering *.html pattern in Settings > Editor > File types > Handlebars/Mustache.

Mustache-like templating language with extends?

Twitter's implementation of Mustache, Hogan, seems to support inheritance now.

See this recent commit: Hogan 3. Add template inheritance...

Render Mustache.js templates in a Chrome extension

chrome.extension.getURL(file) returns the absolute URL of the requested file, not its contents. You should do an XHR on the template to get its contents instead.

Alternatively, store the contents of your template in your HTML itself using something like <script id="templ" type="text/x-template">...</script>, and then reference the contents of the template via document.getElementById('templ').

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