Create an Object from an Array of Keys and an Array of Values

Convert array to object keys

try with Array#Reduce

const arr = ['a','b','c'];
const res = arr.reduce((acc,curr)=> (acc[curr]='',acc),{});

How to create an object from an Array of key-value pairs?

At the time of writing (2013) JavaScript objects / dictionaries / associative arrays don't have such a constructor natively.

As you said yourself, you can of course build your own function using for instance a functional approach using the reduce function as explained in one of the other answers. A classic for or newer forEach loop would also work, of course. But there isn't anything built-in.

Edit: It's 2019 and now we have Object.fromEntries, which will give you what you need.

Create an object from an array of keys and an array of values

var keys = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];var values = [11, 22, 33]
var result = {};keys.forEach((key, i) => result[key] = values[i]);console.log(result);

How to make array of objects with specific key and value from object?

const convertedArray = Object.keys(initObject).map((x)=> { return {
value : x,
label: initObject[x]

Create array of objects by key from array of objects

You could take an object for and the ship value as key for the same group. For the result take only the values of the object.

var data = [{ name: 'Malcolm Reynolds', ship: 'Serenity' }, { name: 'Carmen Ibanez', ship: 'Rodger Young' }, { name: 'Zander Barcalow', ship: 'Rodger Young' }, { name: 'Hoban Washburne', ship: 'Serenity' }, { name: 'James Kirk', ship: 'USS Enterprise' }],    grouped = Object.values(data.reduce((r, o) => {        if (!r[o.ship]) {            r[o.ship] = o;            return r;        }        if (!Array.isArray(r[o.ship])) r[o.ship] = [r[o.ship]];        r[o.ship].push(o);        return r;    }, {}));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

How to merge array of keys and arrays of values into an object?

use this one.

var a = ["F", "M"];
var b = ["female", "male"];
var c = ["fa-female", "fa-male"];

var resultArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
resultArray [a[i]] = [b[i], c[i]];

Create an object from an array of objects with custom key values

To get the property name, extract the title and replace its space-characters with the upper-case character. Then, it's as simple as reduce-ing into an object:

const input=[{amount:23,bill:47,otherData:null,title:'cool title'},{amount:223,bill:427,otherData:null,title:'cooler title'},{amount:2313,bill:437,otherData:null,title:'super cool title'},{amount:123,bill:147,otherData:null,title:'coolest title'}]
console.log( input.reduce((a, item) => { const { title } = item; const camel = title.replace(/ ./g, chars => chars[1].toUpperCase()); a[camel] = item; return a; }, {}));

How can i create an object keys from array values in javascript?

You can simple use a for-loop like:

const arr = ['09:00', '09:15', '09:30', '09:45'];
let obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
obj[arr[i]] = '';


Create an object with key-value pairs from an array

You can use Object.keys to read the name of the key and use the 3rd parameter of array.reduce to get the index of currently processed item.

const myArray = [{value: "test"}, {value: "abc"}, {value: "xyz"}];
//the desired result is this: result = { "value1": "test", "value2": "abc", "value3": "xyz" };

const result = myArray.reduce((agg, item, index) => {
agg[Object.keys(item)[0] + (index + 1)] = item.value;
return agg;
}, {})


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