Best Way to Show a Loading Spinner/Gif While My React Component Is Fetching Via Ajax

Best way to show a loading spinner/gif while my React component is fetching via AJAX?

The way I always solve this is for the component to track fetchInProgress in its state.

Before you make your fetch, you set this value to true; when the fetch completes (either success or fail), you set the value back to false.

The component's render method then honors this flag; if the flag is true, it renders a spinner instead of a dataset.

var Foo = React.createClass({
handleButtonClick: function() {

// before making call, set fetch flag
self.setState({ fetchInProgress: true });

return $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/some/refresh/url",
data: JSON.stringify({}),
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: (function(response) {
// when updating with dataset, also reset fetch flag
fetchInProgress: false,
myList: response.list
failure: ((function(reason) {
// make sure to reset even if fetch fails!
fetchInProgress: false

render: function() {
return (
<div className="container">
: <Spinner />
: {
return <li id="{}">{}</li>

<input type="submit" value="REFRESH LIST" onClick={this.handleButtonClick} />

React - Display loading screen while DOM is rendering?

This could be done by placing the loading icon in your html file (index.html for example), so that users see the icon immediately after the html file has been loaded.

When your app finishes loading, you could simply remove that loading icon in a lifecycle hook, I usually do that in componentDidMount.

Show loading image while $.ajax is performed

You can, of course, show it before making the request, and hide it after it completes:

url: uri,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
complete: function(){

I usually prefer the more general solution of binding it to the global ajaxStart and ajaxStop events, that way it shows up for all ajax events:

$('#loading-image').bind('ajaxStart', function(){
}).bind('ajaxStop', function(){

How to make React loading indicator show after waiting short interval?

You can do a little hack there. Maintain a component state, which keep track of, if the timer is over or not something like this:

if(newProps.ajaxCallsInProgress > 0 && !this.state.timerOver){
setTimeout(() => { this.setState({timerOver: true});}, 200)
else if(newProps.ajaxCallsInProgress <= 0){
this.setState({timerOver: false});

<Spinner show={this.props.ajaxCallsInProgress > 0 && this.state.timerOver} />

What is the best way to show ajax loading image above the existing image?

I use spin.js, wrapped in this little jquery plugin.

So I just do:

$el = $("#el");  // cache element fo further reference

$el.spin(); // put spinner in the middle of selected element.

// do your stuff...

$el.spin(false); // dismiss spinner.

See it live here.

How to show loading spinner in jQuery?

There are a couple of ways. My preferred way is to attach a function to the ajaxStart/Stop events on the element itself.

.hide() // Hide it initially
.ajaxStart(function() {
.ajaxStop(function() {

The ajaxStart/Stop functions will fire whenever you do any Ajax calls.

Update: As of jQuery 1.8, the documentation states that .ajaxStart/Stop should only be attached to document. This would transform the above snippet to:

var $loading = $('#loadingDiv').hide();
.ajaxStart(function () {
.ajaxStop(function () {

How to add a loading animation while Fetch data from API? Vanilla js

add loader before call and remove once you receive results, as follows

const movieApiMovies = () => {
let loader = `<div class="boxLoading"></div>`;
document.getElementById('movieResult').innerHTML = loader;
fetch(movieApi_url + "movies/")
.then(response => response.json())
.then(function (data) {
let result = `<h2> Movies I've watched! </h2>`;
data.forEach((movie) => {
const {id, name, year, note_imdb, genre, duration} = movie;
result +=
<h5> Movie ID: ${id} </h5>
<li>Movie name: ${name}</li>
<li>Movie year: ${year}</li>
<li>Movie note on IMDB: ${note_imdb}</li>
<li>Movie Genre: ${genre}</li>
<li>Movie duration: ${duration}</li>
document.getElementById('movieResult').innerHTML = result;

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