Get Part of the Url Pathname Via JavaScript Regex

Get part of the url pathname via JavaScript regex


I'm trying to match /article/f/ and at least 1 digit captured by the group(note the parenthesis).
If that id is the single number in your path, you can get it directly by:


Regex URL Path from URL

This expression gets everything after videoplay, aka the url path.


This expression gets everything after the port. Also consisting of the path.


However If using Node.js I recommend the native url module.

var url = require('url')
var youtubeUrl = ""

Which does all of the regex work for you.

protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: '80',
hostname: '',
hash: '#hello',
search: '?docid=-7246927612831078230&hl=en',
query: 'docid=-7246927612831078230&hl=en',
pathname: '/videoplay',
path: '/videoplay?docid=-7246927612831078230&hl=en',
href: ''

How can I get a specific part of a URL using RegEx?

You could use the below regex:


This matches dots and digits that are following a file extension. You could also make it more accurate:


Regex for extracting URL parts?

something like

var split = window.location.pathname.split(/\/|\?|&|=|\./g);

or if you want all in one string:

var classes = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase().replace(/\/|\?|&|=|\./g," ")

might do what you want

JavaScript regex to break an url into domain and path

Here is the breakdown javascript version. Hope this helps understand

//removes protocol
let regEx = /^(?:www\.)?(.*?):\/\//gim;
let url = ""
let path = url.replace(regEx, "");
console.log("path = " + path);

//removes domain extracts route
let regEx2 = /^(.*?\/)/;
if (path.match(regEx2)) {
let route = "/" + path.replace(regEx2, "");
console.log("route", route);

//extracts domain
url = path.match(regEx2);
let domainUrl = url[0].replace("/", "");
console.log("domainUrl = ", domainUrl);

Extracting url path using regexp

Are you saying trailing or leading slash? From your post it looks like leading slash.


By the way, your regexp is right, but you just need to remove gi and read matches[1] rather than matches[0], because matches[0] is the whole string matches the regexp, while matches[1] is the captured part within the matched string (quote with brackets in the regexp).

var matches = document.location.pathname.match(/\/(.+)/);
console.log(matches); // ["/questions/ask", "questions/ask"]

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