Adding Prototype to JavaScript Object Literal

Adding Prototype to JavaScript Object Literal

The prototype object is meant to be used on constructor functions, basically functions that will be called using the new operator to create new object instances.

Functions in JavaScript are first-class objects, which means you can add members to them and treat them just like ordinary objects:

var STORE = {
item : function() {

STORE.item.add = function() { alert('test 123'); };

A typical use of the prototype object as I said before, is when you instantiate an object by calling a constructor function with the new operator, for example:

function SomeObject() {} // a constructor function
SomeObject.prototype.someMethod = function () {};

var obj = new SomeObject();

All the instances of SomeObject will inherit the members from the SomeObject.prototype, because those members will be accessed through the prototype chain.

Every function in JavaScript has a prototype object because there is no way to know which functions are intended to be used as constructors.

Why cannot I use prototype in Object Literals in javascript?

First of all, the .prototype property belongs to function object. You cannot access it from a plain object instance. Basically the constructor-associated .prototype property will be used when constructing the internal [[prototype]] of an instance. Here you are having an instance, if you want to add the function to the prototype chain of it, then you have to modify it by

var obj = { firstname: 'foo', lastname:'bar' };
var pro = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
pro.getMethod = function () {
console.log('this is a function');

As @bergi pointed out, there is a risk of adding the getMethod to all the instances if we follow the above approach. But in order to avoid that you could alternatively do,

var obj = { firstname: 'foo', lastname:'bar' };
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, Object.create({getMethod : function(){

console.log(obj.getMethod()); //"Hello"

How can I attach prototype to Object Literals in JS

You can use Object.create to use your defined objects as prototypes. For instance:

var Dog = Object.create(Animal, {
bark : {
value: function() {
console.log("Woof! My name is " +;

Now you can create a new Dog object:

var myDog = Object.create(Dog);
myDog.bark(); // 'Woof! My name is null'
myDog.getColor(); // 'The hair color is null'


Alternatively, if you're working in the absence of Object.create, you can use constructors:

function Animal() { = null;
this.hairColor = null;
this.legs = 4;

Animal.prototype = {
getName : function() {
getColor : function() {
console.log("The hair color is " + this.hairColor);

function Dog() {

Dog.prototype = new Animal;
Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
console.log("Woof! My name is " +;


For more information about Object.create:

For more information about Constructors and prototypes chains:

Object literal as prototype

It's perfectly normal to use an object literal to create the prototype for a function, but normally only as the actual value of the prototype object.

What's unusual is doing what you've done and include a nested object within the prototype.

In effect you've only added one object to the prototype, the one named literal. All of the methods are then properties of that object. It's technically valid syntax, but I've never seen it used before. As @squint points out in the comments, it also appears to break the way that the this variable works, because it binds this to the "next left" property that was used in the function call:

var inst = new newFunc();
> Object { init: function, test: function }

i.e. this has been set to point at the .literal object, and not at the actual instance that has been created.

Changing prototype of an object which was created with literal initialization

With the current spec, you can't change an object's prototype once it's instantiated (as in, swap out one and swap in another). (But see below, things may be changing.) You can only modify the object's prototype. But that may be all you want, looking at your question.

To be clear about the distinction:

var p1 = {
foo1: function() {
var p2 = {
foo2: function() {

var o = Object.create(p1);
o.foo1(); // logs "foo1"
o.foo2(); // ReferenceError, there is no foo2
// You cannot now *change* o's prototype to p2.
// You can modify p1:
p1.bar1 = function() { console.log("bar1"); };
// ...and those modifications show up on any objects using p1
// as their prototype:
o.bar1(); // logs "bar1"
// ...but you can't swap p1 out entirely and replace it with p2.

Getting back to your question:

If u was created with a constructor like this...Then whatever I added to the prototype of U would automatically be added to every object that is created after those changes. But how do I get the same effect with Object literals?

By modifying the object you passed into Object.create as the prototype, as above. Note how adding bar1 to p1 made it available on o, even though o was created before it was added. Just as with constructor functions, the prototype relationship endures, o doesn't get a snapshot of p1 as of when it was created, it gets an enduring link to it. is looking likely to have the "set prototype operator" (<|), which will make it possible to do that. But there's no standard mechanism for it currently. Some engines implement a pseudo-property called __proto__ which provides this functionality now, but it's not standardized.

Object literal vs constructor+prototype

There is a (fundamental, in my opinion) difference between object literals and functions, the "private" variables. Since an object can't be instantiated(because it is already an instance of Object) it has no possibility to have its own (new) scope. It is a base concept of advanced JS programming. Having a new scope allows you to do almost everything(you can declare your own window, document or whatever you want except the JS keywords inside your own scope). Now, some simple examples:

Let's assume you want to create a large number of instances of the same object(using as few lines as possible):

function MyObj(i) {
var privateCounter = "I am the instantiated object " + i + " .";
this.counter = function() {
return privateCounter;

var MyObjList = [],
ObjLitList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
MyObjList.push(new MyObj(i));
ObjLitList.push({counter: "I am the literal object number " + i + "."});

Now you have 200 objects that are almost, but not precisely, the same thing. You can extend them as you prefer, because functions are objects, but in the case of the function you cannot access the private variable directly. Let's see which are the advantages of a function:

  • It is treated like an Object
  • It has its own Prototype
  • It has private variables

And the Objects?

  • It is an Object
  • It doesn't have its own Prototype, but you can declare the functions and extend the object itself
  • It doesn't have private variables

Apart the private vars, they are not much different from each other.

Let's see what a function's prototype can do:

MyObj.prototype.setX = function(x) {
this.x = x;

Using the prototype allows you to create an only instance of an anonymous function(which can be named too and then assigned) which will be shared across instances. How can you do the same thing with object literals?

function setX(x) {
this.x = x;
var obj = {
setX: setX

As you can see you have to create the object defining everytime a property which is setX. Otherwise, you can extend Object.prototype itself(but there is a long debate about extending the prototype of native JS objects).

So which is the best way? There is no one, it depends on what you have to do, what you need from your script, which of the two you feel more comfortable with.

I prefer writing my own functions and treat them like classes, because they are more readable and I am able to use "private" variables. I don't know anyone using literals instead of functions though.

As for the questions:

Which is the best preferred way of programming(object literals vs constructors vs prototype)


can a code with constructor and protoype be written using just object literals without using constructor and protoype.

Yes, you can if you don't need private variables(and if the script isn't too big. Imagine jQuery written as an Object literal :D).

what is the signifiance of anonymous function.

Oh well, I can answer with an example:

function myNamedFunction() {
alert("I'm defined everywhere! :)");

This works and won't generate a TypeError.

var myAnonymousFunction = function() {
alert("I'm defined after this declaration :(");
myAnonymousFunction(); // works!

This will cause a Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function, because myAnonymousFunction is only a reference to the effective function(which is unnamed, so it is not callable from the script).

There are a lot of things to say about this argument, and a good point to start advanced programming is Javascript Garden. Other good readings are Basics of OOP in JS - NetTutsPlus, Working with Objects - MDN and OOP in JS - Phrogz

Hope this helps!

Sidenote: functions also have a good advantage since they can change their context(this) just with a function(call for example), while objects can't.

Object literal in object with prototypes, with funtion parameters

You're calling the method on the script object, not the SomeThing instance. Use either call to set the receiver explicitly

…choose = function(data) {
var script = {
two: self.two,
return script[data.type].call(self, data);

or just drop the script object and directly use

…choose = function(data) {
if (["one", "two"].includes(data.type))
return self[data.type](data);

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