Access Object Properties Within Object

Access object properties within object

You can't reference an object during initialization when using object literal syntax. You need to reference the object after it is created.

settings.birthplace =;

Only way to reference an object during initialization is when you use a constructor function.

This example uses an anonymous function as a constructor. The new object is reference with this.

var settings = new function() {
this.user = "someuser";
this.password = "password"; = "Country";
this.birthplace =;

Accessing Object property from within another object method

var obj = {      x: null,      func1: function() {    console.log('func1, x is ' + this);      },
func2: function() { console.log("func2"); this.func1();
var func1 = this.func1; func3(func1); } };
function func3(callback) { console.log("func3"); return callback(); }

access object property from object method in javascript

sure you can

var foo = function(arg){
var something = {
myPropVal: "the code",
myMethodProp: function(bla) {
// do stuff with mypropval here
alert(this) // => DOMWindow


Accessing Object Property Values Within an Array - JavaScript

You can acces items in arrays at given position by their index. In javascript indexes of arrays are starting with 0: myArray[0]. To access the property of the returned object just use dot-notation: myArray[0].myProperty.

let object1 = [{name: "HappyHands31"}, {job: "website developer"}, {city: "Chicago"}];

How to access object properties within an object?

Make your full_name property a method

var app = {
first_name: 'john',
last_name: 'doe',
return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;


Cheers !!!

How can i access an property of an object within an object

The way you are accessing the object property should work fine.

var userdata = { 
"email": "",
"phone": 7894561230,
"opcrmMobile": 57892445

var store=;
// or
var store=["opcrmMobile"];

console.log(store); // should output ""

You can still access the properties even if their names are not written as a string literal i.e. "email" or email, "phone" or phone, nothing mysterious here.

var userdata = { 
email: "",
phone: 7894561230,
opcrmMobile: 57892445



console.log("show my object properties: " + Object.keys(;

Check Output here. There is no celebrity code, just emphasized what you were trying to do.

Besides, it depends upon the use case that whether you need to use the dot (.) or square bracket [] notation to access object properties.

This is a nice brief overview of accessing the object properties with dot . vs square bracket [] notation.

How would you access Object properties from within an object method?

This has religious war potential, but it seems to me that if you're using a getter/setter, you should use it internally as well - using both will lead to maintenance problems down the road (e.g. somebody adds code to a setter that needs to run every time that property is set, and the property is being set internally w/o that setter being called).

How to access object properties in javascript?

if you are writing JavaScript in same view then you just need to convert your model object in js object using this code.

var jsModel = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))

if you want in external file then create an html element and set this model in data- field and get this model in js like this


<div data-JsObject="@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))" id="JSOBJ"> </div>

JS External file

var list = JSON.parse($("#JSOBJ").data("JsObject"))

I hope it'll work for you.

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