What Is the Java String Pool and How Is "S" Different from New String("S")

What is the Java string pool and how is s different from new String(s)?

The string pool is the JVM's particular implementation of the concept of string interning:

In computer science, string interning
is a method of storing only one copy
of each distinct string value, which
must be immutable. Interning strings
makes some string processing tasks
more time- or space-efficient at the
cost of requiring more time when the
string is created or interned. The
distinct values are stored in a string
intern pool.

Basically, a string intern pool allows a runtime to save memory by preserving immutable strings in a pool so that areas of the application can reuse instances of common strings instead of creating multiple instances of it.

As an interesting side note, string interning is an example of the flyweight design pattern:

Flyweight is a software design
pattern. A flyweight is an object that
minimizes memory use by sharing as
much data as possible with other
similar objects; it is a way to use
objects in large numbers when a simple
repeated representation would use an
unacceptable amount of memory.

What is the difference between text and new String(text)?

new String("text");
explicitly creates a new and referentially distinct instance of a String object; String s = "text"; may reuse an instance from the string constant pool if one is available.

You very rarely would ever want to use the new String(anotherString) constructor. From the API:

String(String original) : Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the newly created string is a copy of the argument string. Unless an explicit copy of original is needed, use of this constructor is unnecessary since strings are immutable.

Related questions

  • Java Strings: “String s = new String(”silly“);”
  • Strings are objects in Java, so why don’t we use ‘new’ to create them?

What referential distinction means

Examine the following snippet:

    String s1 = "foobar";
String s2 = "foobar";

System.out.println(s1 == s2); // true

s2 = new String("foobar");
System.out.println(s1 == s2); // false
System.out.println(s1.equals(s2)); // true

== on two reference types is a reference identity comparison. Two objects that are equals are not necessarily ==. It is usually wrong to use == on reference types; most of the time equals need to be used instead.

Nonetheless, if for whatever reason you need to create two equals but not == string, you can use the new String(anotherString) constructor. It needs to be said again, however, that this is very peculiar, and is rarely the intention.


  • JLS 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators == and !=
  • class Object - boolean Object(equals)

Related issues

  • Java String.equals versus ==
  • How do I compare strings in Java?

Does new String() update the string pool in Java?

 String s1=new String("ABC");//creates two objects and one reference variable  

In your case, JVM will create a new String object in normal(nonpool) Heap memory and the literal "ABC" will be placed in the string constant pool.The variable s1 will refer to the object in Heap(nonpool).

String Constant Pool

String objects created with the new operator do not refer to objects
in the string pool but can be made to using String’s intern() method.
The java.lang.String.intern() returns an interned String, that is, one
that has an entry in the global String literal pool. If the String is
not already in the global String literal pool, then it will be added.

Sample Image

Whenever you use new keyword to create String Object,it will create in Heap and then it will check the String Constant Pool for the same String Literal.If SCP doesn't contain that String literal then Only it will create String literal in the SCP.

What is String pool in Java?

This prints true (even though we don't use equals method: correct way to compare strings)

    String s = "a" + "bc";
String t = "ab" + "c";
System.out.println(s == t);

When compiler optimizes your string literals, it sees that both s and t have same value and thus you need only one string object. It's safe because String is immutable in Java.

As result, both s and t point to the same object and some little memory saved.

Name 'string pool' comes from the idea that all already defined string are stored in some 'pool' and before creating new String object compiler checks if such string is already defined.

String s = new String(xyz). How many objects has been made after this line of code execute?


First, this question really asks about this addressed here:
Is String Literal Pool a collection of references to the String Object, Or a collection of Objects

So, that is a guide for everyone on this matter.


Given this line of code: String s = new String(“xyz”)

There are two ways of looking at this:

(1) What happens when the line of code executes -- the literal moment it runs in the program?

(2) What is the net effect of how many Objects are created by the statement?


1) After this executes, one additional object is created.

a) The "xyz" String is created and interned when the JVM loads the class that this line of code is contained in.

  • If an "xyz" is already in the intern pool from some other code, then the literal might produce no new String object.

b) When new String s is created, the internal char[] is a copy of the interned"xyz" string.

c) That means, when the line executes, there is only one additional object created.

The fact is the "xyz" object will have been created as soon as the class loaded and before this code section was ever run.

...next scenario ...

2) There are three objects created by the code (including the interned "a")

String s1 = "a";
String s2 = "a";
String s3 = new String("a");

a) s1 and s2 are just referenced,not objects, and they point to the same String in memory.

b) The "a" is interned and is a compound object: one char[] object and the String object itself. It consisting of two objects in memory.

c) s3, new String("a") produces one more object. The new String("a") does not copy the char[] of "a", it only references it internally. Here is the method signature:

public String2(String original) {
this.value = original.value;
this.hash = original.hash;

One interned String ("a") equals 2 Objects. And one new String("a") equals one more object. Net effect from code is three objects.

Java String Pool with String constructor and the intern function

You wrote

String c = new String("foo"); // Creates a new string in the heap

I read somewhere that even when using the constructor, the String Pool is being used. It
will insert the string into the String Pool and into the heap.

That’s somewhat correct, but you have to read the code correctly. Your code contains two String instances. First, you have the string literal "foo" that evaluates to a String instance, the one that will be inserted into the pool. Then, you are creating a new String instance explicitly, using new String(…) calling the String(String) constructor. Since the explicitly created object can’t have the same identity as an object that existed prior to its creation, two String instances must exist.

Why does java create this duplicate string? It seems completely redundant to me since the strings in java are immutable.

Well it does so, because you told it so. In theory, this construction could get optimized, skipping the intermediate step that you can’t perceive anyway. But the first assumption for a program’s behavior should be that it does precisely what you have written.

You could ask why there’s a constructor that allows such a pointless operation. In fact, this has been asked before and this answer addresses this. In short, it’s mostly a historical design mistake, but this constructor has been used in practice for other technical reasons; some do not apply anymore. Still, it can’t be removed without breaking compatibility.

String s = new String("Hello");
s = s.intern();

Will the garbage collector delete the string that is outside the String Pool from the heap?

Since the intern() call will evaluate to the instance that had been created for "Hello" and is distinct from the instance created via new String(…), the latter will definitely be unreachable after the second assignment to s. Of course, this doesn’t say whether the garbage collector will reclaim the string’s memory only that it is allowed to do so. But keep in mind that the majority of the heap occupation will be the array that holds the character data, which will be shared between the two string instances (unless you use a very outdated JVM). This array will still be in use as long as either of the two strings is in use. Recent JVMs even have the String Deduplication feature that may cause other strings of the same contents in the JVM use this array (to allow collection of their formerly used array). So the lifetime of the array is entirely unpredictable.

Strings [= new String vs = ]

From the javadoc :

Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents the
same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the newly
created string is a copy of the argument string. Unless an explicit
copy of original is needed, use of this constructor is unnecessary
since Strings are immutable.

So no, you have no reason not to use the simple literal.

Simply do

String s1 = "Stackoverflow";

Historically, this constructor was mainly used to get a lighter copy of a string obtained by splitting a bigger one (see this question). Now, There's no normal reason to use it.

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