Spring Boot Could Not Resolve Placeholder in String

Spring boot could not resolve placeholder in string

Fixed by adding these lines to the pom under the <resources> section


What I don't fully understand is the need for doing this.

a) I can run this on an external app server without having to add this line and the app reads application.properties just fine.

b) I can run the app as a standalone java application in eclipse (i.e., without having to build the app through maven) and it reads application.properties just fine

c) isn't spring-boot supposed to read it by default regardless? (as shown by the two cases above?)

Thanks everyone for their help. hopefully this will help others.

Could not resolve placeholder in string value

In your configuration you have 2 PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer instances.


<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="environment">
<bean class="org.springframework.web.context.support.StandardServletEnvironment"/>


<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:context-core.properties"/>

By default a PlaceholderConfigurer is going to fail-fast, so if a placeholder cannot be resolved it will throw an exception. The instance from the applicationContext.xml file has no properties and as such will fail on all placeholders.

Solution: Remove the one from applicationContext.xml as it doesn't add anything it only breaks things.

Spring could not resolve placeholder in value

There was one more config.properties in test directory.

getting Could not resolve placeholder while reading yml values in spring boot

check your placeholder is Tab or Space ? make sure no Tab in your yml file.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder

Check that those properties are actually defined in application.properties. There is also an application-aws.properties file, if the properties are only in that file then you will need to tell Spring Boot to enable the aws profile with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=aws, or add the aws properties with empty values in application.properties.

If no Spring Boot profile is activated, it will only use the properties defined in application.properties.

If you enable the aws profile, it will use use properties from application.properties as defaults, and then any matching properties defined in application-aws.properties will override those from application.properties if defined.

If what you are trying to do it only use those AWS properties when deployed to AWS, then you might need to make a Configuration object that holds those properties in it(which is a better practice than including properties with @Value in code), and make the AmazonS3 bean creation conditional on those properties being set.

Given that your project structure is a standard Maven structure, convention over configuration should apply and there should be no need to try and explicitly include application.properties with additional class path configuration. I.e everything under /src/main/resources should be available on the class path and to the application at runtime.

@Value "Could not resolve placeholder" in Spring Boot Test

You need to add


to your class, so it will pick your normal configurations.

If you need different configurations for test you can add


If not just copy paste your config file to test/resources folder, then boot will pick from there.

See this.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'some.other.property' in value "${some.other.property}"

I finally found the fix myself. Seems that the client bootstrapping doesn't occur automatically in new Spring Cloud release, instead we need to add following dependency and explicitly mention the bootstrapping in bootstrap.xml in the config-client.

Add the dependency


And then I just added the following line in bootstrap.xml of my config-client and it worked magically.


I got this from this link:

Spring Cloud Config: client doesn't attempt to connect to the config server:

Thank you so much guys for your help and contribution! Thanks @Bragolgirith for the fix. Hope this helps people and save their time.

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