Registering and Using a Custom Java.Net.Url Protocol

Registering and using a custom protocol

  1. Create a custom URLConnection implementation which performs the job in connect() method.

    public class CustomURLConnection extends URLConnection {

    protected CustomURLConnection(URL url) {

    public void connect() throws IOException {
    // Do your job here. As of now it merely prints "Connected!".


    Don't forget to override and implement other methods like getInputStream() accordingly. More detail on that cannot be given as this information is missing in the question.

  2. Create a custom URLStreamHandler implementation which returns it in openConnection().

    public class CustomURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler {

    protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException {
    return new CustomURLConnection(url);


    Don't forget to override and implement other methods if necessary.

  3. Create a custom URLStreamHandlerFactory which creates and returns it based on the protocol.

    public class CustomURLStreamHandlerFactory implements URLStreamHandlerFactory {

    public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(String protocol) {
    if ("customuri".equals(protocol)) {
    return new CustomURLStreamHandler();

    return null;


    Note that protocols are always lowercase.

  4. Finally register it during application's startup via URL#setURLStreamHandlerFactory()

    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new CustomURLStreamHandlerFactory());

    Note that the Javadoc explicitly says that you can set it at most once. So if you intend to support multiple custom protocols in the same application, you'd need to generify the custom URLStreamHandlerFactory implementation to cover them all inside the createURLStreamHandler() method.

    Alternatively, if you dislike the Law of Demeter, throw it all together in anonymous classes for code minification:

    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new URLStreamHandlerFactory() {
    public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(String protocol) {
    return "customuri".equals(protocol) ? new URLStreamHandler() {
    protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException {
    return new URLConnection(url) {
    public void connect() throws IOException {
    } : null;

    If you're on Java 8 already, replace the URLStreamHandlerFactory functional interface by a lambda for further minification:

    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(protocol -> "customuri".equals(protocol) ? new URLStreamHandler() {
    protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException {
    return new URLConnection(url) {
    public void connect() throws IOException {
    } : null);

Now you can use it as follows:

URLConnection connection = new URL("CustomURI:blabla").openConnection();
// ...

Or with lowercased protocol as per the spec:

URLConnection connection = new URL("customuri:blabla").openConnection();
// ...

Java - Registering custom URL protocol handlers

I have found the issue. The original classpath handler class that I used had a non-default constructor. Of course, because it had only a non-default constructor, the handler couldn't be instantiated. I apologize to everyone who have tried to debug this issue, I failed to see this connection.

Register custom URLStreamHandler in Spring web application (Tomcat)

You could either:

1. Use a decorator

One way to set your custom URLStreamHandlerFactory, could be to use a decorator of type URLStreamHandlerFactory in order to wrap the URLStreamHandlerFactory that may have already been defined (by tomcat in this case). The tricky part is the fact that you need to use reflection (which is quite hacky) to get and reset the current factory potentially defined.

Here is the pseudo-code of your decorator:

public class S3URLStreamHandlerFactory implements URLStreamHandlerFactory {

// The wrapped URLStreamHandlerFactory's instance
private final Optional<URLStreamHandlerFactory> delegate;

* Used in case there is no existing URLStreamHandlerFactory defined
public S3URLStreamHandlerFactory() {

* Used in case there is an existing URLStreamHandlerFactory defined
public S3URLStreamHandlerFactory(final URLStreamHandlerFactory delegate) {
this.delegate = Optional.ofNullable(delegate);

public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(final String protocol) {
if ("s3".equals(protocol)) {
return // my S3 URLStreamHandler;
// It is not the s3 protocol so we delegate it to the wrapped
// URLStreamHandlerFactory
return -> factory.createURLStreamHandler(protocol))

Here is the code to define it:

// Retrieve the field "factory" of the class URL that store the 
// URLStreamHandlerFactory used
Field factoryField = URL.class.getDeclaredField("factory");
// It is a package protected field so we need to make it accessible
// Get the current value
URLStreamHandlerFactory urlStreamHandlerFactory
= (URLStreamHandlerFactory) factoryField.get(null);
if (urlStreamHandlerFactory == null) {
// No factory has been defined so far so we set the custom one
URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new S3URLStreamHandlerFactory());
} else {
// Retrieve the field "streamHandlerLock" of the class URL that
// is the lock used to synchronize access to the protocol handlers
Field lockField = URL.class.getDeclaredField("streamHandlerLock");
// It is a private field so we need to make it accessible
// Use the same lock to reset the factory
synchronized (lockField.get(null)) {
// Reset the value to prevent Error due to a factory already defined
factoryField.set(null, null);
// Set our custom factory and wrap the current one into it
new S3URLStreamHandlerFactory(urlStreamHandlerFactory)

NB: Starting for Java 9, you will need to add --add-opens java.base/ to your launch command to allow deep reflection on the package that includes the class URL from your module myModuleName otherwise calling setAccessible(true) will raise a RuntimeException.

2. Deploy it as an extension

Another way that should avoid this ClassLoder issue could be to move your custom URLStreamHandler into a dedicated jar and deploy it in ${JAVA-HOME}/jre/lib/ext as an installed extension (with all its dependencies) such that it will be available in the Extension ClassLoader, this way your class will be defined in a ClassLoader high enough in the hierarchy to be seen.

Can I have a custom protocol on java type URL?

@JBNizet answer is perfect. Just use

val url = URI("http://my-page/content?page=0")

Commons VFS and - Adding support for “ram://” protocol

VFS supports creating a stream handler factory which knows about all the registered schemes.

// you might want to configure a manager with less schemes
FileSystemManager fsm = VFS.getManager();
URLStreamHandlerFactory factory = fsm.getURLStreamHandlerFactory();
URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(factory); // VM global
URL url = new URL("ram://test.txt");

Why does Java's URL class not recognize certain protocols?


Java throws a MalformedURLException because it couldn't find a URLStreamHandler for that protocol. Check the javadocs of the constructors for the details.


Since the URL class has an openConnection method, the URL class checks to make sure that Java knows how to open a connection of the correct protocol. Without a URLStreamHandler for that protocol, Java refuses to create a URL to save you from failure when you try to call openConnection.


You should probably be using the URI class if you don't plan on opening a connection of those protocols in Java.

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