Query a JSONobject in Java

Query a JSONObject in java

I've just unexpectedly found very interesting project: JSON Path

JsonPath is to JSON what XPATH is to XML, a simple way to extract parts of a given document.

With this library you can do what you are requesting even easier, then my previous suggestion:

String hello = JsonPath.read(json, "$.data.data2.value");

System.out.println(hello); //prints hello

Hope this might be helpful either.

Querying JSON Object in Java

For example, use library "Josson & Jossons"


implementation 'com.octomix.josson:josson:1.3.22'


Josson josson = Josson.fromJsonString(
"{" +
" \"Name\" : \"Anmol Jain\"," +
" \"Address\" : [" +
" {" +
" \"type\" : \"home\"," +
" \"category\" : \"primary\"," +
" \"street\" : \"ABC\"" +
" }," +
" {" +
" \"type\" : \"home\"," +
" \"category\" : \"secondary\"," +
" \"street\" : \"XYZ\"" +
" }," +
" {" +
" \"type\" : \"work\"," +
" \"category\" : \"primary\"," +
" \"street\" : \"PQR\"" +
" }" +
" ]" +
String street = josson.getString("Address[type='home' & category='secondary'].street");

How to query on parse json object child value if it contains/equal to/greater than etc.?

You can try this code:

ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("MyClass");
query.whereGreaterThan("empInfo.salary", 1000);
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> objs, ParseException e) {

Query a JSON Object in Java by index

I think that you need to go down another level of array to access the value you required.

    JsonArray data = dataset.getJsonArray("data");
JsonArray firstPieceOfData = data.get(0);
Object firstRate = firstPieceOfData.get(1);

How to search/find In JSON with java

You can also use the JsonPath project provided by REST Assured. This JsonPath project uses Groovy GPath expressions. In Maven you can depend on it like this:



To get a list of all book categories:

List<String> categories = JsonPath.from(json).get("store.book.category");

Get the first book category:

String category = JsonPath.from(json).get("store.book[0].category");

Get the last book category:

String category = JsonPath.from(json).get("store.book[-1].category");

Get all books with price between 5 and 15:

List<Map> books = JsonPath.from(json).get("store.book.findAll { book -> book.price >= 5 && book.price <= 15 }");

GPath is very powerful and you can make use of higher order functions and all Groovy data structures in your path expressions.

Get in to JSON all the rows from sql query in JAVA

You are iterating over resultset and adding each row into JSONObject but not adding JSONObject into the JSONArray.

Just add JSONObject (obj) into JSONArray (json) and you will get all rows/records in the response. :)

functions json object, json array in query builder using JOOQ

It doesn't look like you've correctly configured jOOQ to use SQLDialect.POSTGRES in your defaultDSLContext instance, otherwise it wouldn't generate standard SQL/JSON syntax like:

json_arrayagg(json_object(key ? value ...))

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