Native Query with Named Parameter Fails with "Not All Named Parameters Have Been Set"

Native query with named parameter fails with Not all named parameters have been set

Named parameters are not supported by JPA in native queries, only for JPQL. You must use positional parameters.

Named parameters follow the rules for identifiers defined in Section 4.4.1. The use of named parameters applies to the Java Persistence query language, and is not defined for native queries. Only positional parameter binding may be portably used for native queries.

So, use this

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable where username = ?1");
q.setParameter(1, "test");

While JPA specification doesn't support named parameters in native queries, some JPA implementations (like Hibernate) may support it

Native SQL queries support positional as well as named parameters

However, this couples your application to specific JPA implementation, and thus makes it unportable.

Hibernate QueryException: 'Not all named parameters have been set' - with native query containing ::int

As written in my comment above, I ended up using:

public class LegacyDao extends JdbcDaoSupport

In this way, I was able to reuse the DataSource Hibernate was using.

Not all named parameters have been set: [:int]

try using cast as int like below in your sql query:

String query= "select max(cast(NULLIF(split_part(num_ordre_decision, '/', 3), '') AS int)) from decision";

Hibernate Exception: Not all named parameters has been set

I see two errors in your sql query:
(1) you have omitted a 'union all' between the first and second line
(2) The first parameter 'dua_num' in the first line is not set

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