JSON - Iterate Through JSONarray

JSON - Iterate through JSONArray


JSONObject objects = getArray.getJSONArray(i);


JSONObject objects = getArray.getJSONObject(i);

or to

JSONObject objects = getArray.optJSONObject(i);

depending on which JSON-to/from-Java library you're using. (It looks like getJSONObject will work for you.)

Then, to access the string elements in the "objects" JSONObject, get them out by element name.

String a = objects.get("A");

If you need the names of the elements in the JSONObject, you can use the static utility method JSONObject.getNames(JSONObject) to do so.

String[] elementNames = JSONObject.getNames(objects);

"Get the value for the first element and the value for the last element."

If "element" is referring to the component in the array, note that the first component is at index 0, and the last component is at index getArray.length() - 1.

I want to iterate though the objects in the array and get thier component and thier value. In my example the first object has 3 components, the scond has 5 and the third has 4 components. I want iterate though each of them and get thier component name and value.

The following code does exactly that.

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class Foo
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
String jsonInput = "{\"JObjects\":{\"JArray1\":[{\"A\":\"a\",\"B\":\"b\",\"C\":\"c\"},{\"A\":\"a1\",\"B\":\"b2\",\"C\":\"c3\",\"D\":\"d4\",\"E\":\"e5\"},{\"A\":\"aa\",\"B\":\"bb\",\"C\":\"cc\",\"D\":\"dd\"}]}}";

// "I want to iterate though the objects in the array..."
JSONObject outerObject = new JSONObject(jsonInput);
JSONObject innerObject = outerObject.getJSONObject("JObjects");
JSONArray jsonArray = innerObject.getJSONArray("JArray1");
for (int i = 0, size = jsonArray.length(); i < size; i++)
JSONObject objectInArray = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

// "...and get thier component and thier value."
String[] elementNames = JSONObject.getNames(objectInArray);
System.out.printf("%d ELEMENTS IN CURRENT OBJECT:\n", elementNames.length);
for (String elementName : elementNames)
String value = objectInArray.getString(elementName);
System.out.printf("name=%s, value=%s\n", elementName, value);
name=A, value=a
name=B, value=b
name=C, value=c

name=D, value=d4
name=E, value=e5
name=A, value=a1
name=B, value=b2
name=C, value=c3

name=D, value=dd
name=A, value=aa
name=B, value=bb
name=C, value=cc

Foreach with JSONArray and JSONObject

Apparently, org.json.simple.JSONArray implements a raw Iterator. This means that each element is considered to be an Object. You can try to cast:

for(Object o: arr){
if ( o instanceof JSONObject ) {

This is how things were done back in Java 1.4 and earlier.

How to iterate JSONArray in java

You can use the following code:

//put your json in the string variable "data"

JSONArray jsonArray=new JSONArray(data);
if(jsonArray!=null && jsonArray.length()>0){
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONArray childJsonArray=jsonArray.optJSONArray(i);
if(childJsonArray!=null && childJsonArray.length()>0){
for (int j = 0; j < childJsonArray.length(); j++) {

Looping through a JSON array in Python

When restaurants is your list, you have to iterate over this key:

for restaurant in data['restaurants']:
print restaurant['restaurant']['name']

Java loop over Json array?

In your code the element dataArray is an array of JSON objects, not a JSON object itself. The elements A, B, and C are part of the JSON objects inside the dataArray JSON array.

You need to iterate over the array

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String jsonStr = "{ \"dataArray\": [{ \"A\": \"a\", \"B\": \"b\", \"C\": \"c\" }, { \"A\": \"a1\", \"B\": \"b2\", \"C\": \"c3\" }] }";

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);

JSONArray c = jsonObj.getJSONArray("dataArray");
for (int i = 0 ; i < c.length(); i++) {
JSONObject obj = c.getJSONObject(i);
String A = obj.getString("A");
String B = obj.getString("B");
String C = obj.getString("C");
System.out.println(A + " " + B + " " + C);


a b c
a1 b2 c3

I don't know where msg is coming from in your code snippet.

How to loop through JSON array and get specific values

in your loop:

for (x in myObj) {

x is the string value of key of your object. In order to get the car1 property of your nested object you can change your loop as:

for (x in myObj) {

It is also a good practice to use hasOwnProperty while using for-in loop it might also iterate over properties which are in your object's prototype chain.

for (x in myObj) {
if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(x)) {

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