What Does Inputstream.Available() Do in Java

What does InputStream.available() do in Java?

Blocking doesn't relate to threading or synchronisation here. Instead it relates to blocking IO (see this for more info). If you issue a request to read, and the channel has none available, a blocking call will wait (or block) until data is available (or the channel is closed, throws an exception etc.)

So why use available() ? So you can determine how many bytes to read, or determine whether you're going to block.

Note that Java has non-blocking IO capabilities as well. See here for more details

InputStream.available() and reading file compeletly notes from oracle

available() returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. There is no necessary correlation between that number, which can be zero, and the total length of the file.

inputstream.available() is 0 always

.available() can not be used in inter-process communication (serial included), since it only checks if there is data available (in input buffers) in current process.

In serial communication, when you send a messaga and then immediately call available() you will mostly get 0 as serial port did not yet reply with any data.

The solution is to use blocking read() in a separate thread (with interrupt() to end it):

Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read

Is available method in InputStream a good way to iterate through a file?

As it states, the purpose is to tell you how many bytes you can read without the read call blocking. This is mostly useful for network connections, where data is filling the buffer and you might want to process as much of that data without the read call blocking, waiting for more data.

It's not commonly used and doesn't tell you anything about how much is GOING to be available over all. For example, iv seen it used to test the length of a message, which is of course wrong, because only a part of the message may have been received at that point.

You are best to just read the whole stream until EOF is reached. available() will only be of use if you want to process as much data as you can without blocking. it says "estimate" because more data could be coming in all the time and you may have been able to read more bytes than available() returned at the exact moment you called it.

In practice, you need all the data from a stream, or you stop when you reach a certain value. But this is a separate issue to how quickly it streams in from where ever it's coming from. Wether it blocks or not - you will neither know nor care. :)

InputStream's available() tends to halt

You're thinking about available() the wrong way. That method tells you approximately how many bytes can be read right now, without blocking. The commonly accepted idiom for what you're trying to do is

int length;
while ((length = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {
output += new String(buffer, 0, length);

or something along those lines (not compiled/tested).

Update: I think you misunderstand the concept of "end of the stream". "End of the stream" doesn't mean that all the data you want to read has been read. It means that there isn't, and won't ever be, anything else to read. For instance, it might mean that you were reading a file and have come to the end of it, or it might mean you were reading from an in-memory byte array and came to the end of that. Those are "end of streams".

In your question, you indicated, or at least implied, that you're reading from a Socket. Are you aware that you'll never get to the end of that stream until the associated Socket or the remote end of the connection is closed? Just because you received a bit of data from it doesn't make it the end of the stream.

InputStream.available() doesn't work

Read the javadoc:

Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream. The next invocation might be the same thread or another thread. A single read or skip of this many bytes will not block, but may read or skip fewer bytes.

Note that while some implementations of InputStream will return the total number of bytes in the stream, many will not. It is never correct to use the return value of this method to allocate a buffer intended to hold all data in this stream.

In short, InputStream.available() is not half as useful as you think it is.

If you need to detect the end of the stream, read() from it and it detect if the result is -1. Do not use available().

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