Jfreechart Candlestick Chart Weird Behaviour on Drag

JFreeChart - Timeseries and CandleStick on the same chart

This is possible using JFreeChart, the key is to create an additional dataset and renderer

You will need to create a new TimeSeriesCollection to hold the data for the three additional series

TimeSeriesCollection otherDataSet = new TimeSeriesCollection();
TimeSeries ts1 = new TimeSeries("Series 1");
TimeSeries ts2 = new TimeSeries("Series 2");
TimeSeries ts3 = new TimeSeries("Series 2");

Then add the data to the TimeSeries as normal.

You will then need to add the otherDataSet to the Plot in OhlcChart map it to the same axis at the original plot (mapDatasetToRangeAxis) and provide a Renderer

//Add the otherDataSet to the plot and map it to the same axis at the original plot 
int index = 1;
plot.setDataset(index, otherDataSet);
plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(index, 0);

XYItemRenderer renderer2 = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
plot.setRenderer(1, renderer2);

Here is an example using an OHLCDataset rather than a BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset

Sample Image

Is it possible to show hollow candle in Candlestick jfreechart?

I've done it. Here is the complete own renderer:

public class CandlestickRenderer extends org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.CandlestickRenderer {

private final Paint colorRaising = Color.GREEN;
private final Paint colorFalling = Color.RED;
private final Paint colorUnknown = Color.GRAY;
private final Paint colorTransparent = Color.BLACK;

public CandlestickRenderer() {
setUpPaint(colorUnknown); // use unknown color if error
setDownPaint(colorUnknown); // use unknown color if error

public Paint getItemPaint(int series, int item) {
OHLCDataset highLowData = (OHLCDataset) getPlot().getDataset(series);
Number curClose = highLowData.getClose(series, item);
Number prevClose = highLowData.getClose(series, item>0 ? item-1 : 0);

if (prevClose.doubleValue() <= curClose.doubleValue()) {
return Color.GREEN;
} else {
return Color.RED;

public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state,
Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot,
ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset,
int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) {

OHLCDataset highLowData = (OHLCDataset) dataset;
double yOpen = highLowData.getOpenValue(series, item);
double yClose = highLowData.getCloseValue(series, item);

// set color for filled candle
if (yClose >= yOpen) {

// set color for hollow (not filled) candle
else {

// call parent method
super.drawItem(g2, state, dataArea, info, plot, domainAxis, rangeAxis, dataset, series, item, crosshairState, pass);


And resulting chart:

Sample Image

Don't hesitate to contact me if you'll want all the example code.

JFreechart stop unzoom when drag left

I made an assumption (based on your short question) that you want to disable the "zoom restore" feature when invoked by the mouse being dragged to the left.

If so, you simply need to override the restoreAutobounds() method like this:

JFreeChart chart = /* create your chart here*/

// add the chart to the panel and override
// the zoom restore behavior

chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart){

public void restoreAutoBounds(){
// Do nothing

Or, event better is to extend the ChartPanel object and override it there.

NOTE: the zoom out feature will still be available from the context menu of the chart so the user still has meaningful ways to zoom out

Create Fatter Candlesticks in JFreeChart

Although my given example seems to have to no differing method calls from the demo in the first picture's code above, it nevertheless only shows thin candlesticks. I assume this to be some kind of bug.

However, I was able to rectify the issue as follows:

  1. getting the renderer for the chart,

  2. casting it to a type of CandlestickRenderer, and

  3. setting its setAutoWidthMethod() method to CandlestickRenderer.WIDTHMETHOD_SMALLEST.

This is how you do it:

JFreeChart candleChart = ChartFactory.createCandlestickChart(
"History of " + stockName, "Date", "Stock Points", dataset, true);
XYPlot plot = candleChart.getXYPlot();
CandlestickRenderer renderer = (CandlestickRenderer) plot.getRenderer();

JGraph - overriding cell drag

You would be better off posting at the JGraph forum.

Add horizontal scroll to JFreeChart

You can actually move it left and right if you call setDomainPannable(true) on XYPlot. Looks like chart.getXYPlot().setDomainPannable(true) in your case. There is also a method setRangePannable(boolean pannable) for panning in range direction respectively. When I used it long time ago, this resulted in being able to move chart by dragging the middle mouse button. I don't know what the behavior will be in your case nowadays :) But this method is a good place to start if you have no other ideas. May be if you look inside the source code there, then you can create your own custom scrollbar for the same functionality.

Upd.: Alternatively, you can just increase/decrease the size of ChartPanel by yourself on mouse wheel or whatever without using zooming functionality of JFreeChart. Then JScrollPane will do the job. Which is fine and easier if you just want to scale globally. But if you want that nice zooming of user selected area, then I would look into customizing of JFreeChart's "panning".

Upd2.: I might be wrong about middle mouse button. Probably it was CTRL + mouse dragging like in the link provided by @trashgod

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