Javafx Controller Class Not Working

JavaFX controller class not found at Runtime

I found a solution to this :

Instead of declaring the contoller class in the FXML file, just set it programatically before loading the file like this :

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getRessource("myFile.fxml");
loader.setController(new MyController());

Hope it will help.

Error when trying to connect the controller class to javafx

Oh, this is a bit evil.

When the FXML file is loaded, as you know, it injects fields annotated with @FXML in the controller with the elements with corresponding fx:id attributes (the attribute value in the FXML file matching the field name in the controller).

What is little known (and undocumented) is that there are a small number of (well, two) additional values that can be injected. For example, you can do

private ResourceBundle resources ;

to get a reference to the resource bundle provided to the FXMLLoader. Similarly, you can get a reference to the URL provided to the FXMLLoader with (you guessed it):

private URL location ;

These happen automatically.

So, it looks from the stack trace that you have a ComboBox defined in your FXML file and controller which you called location:

private ComboBox<String> location ;

When the FXML loader sees this, possibly before it even tries to parse the FXML file, it tries to inject the URL provided to the loader into the field, and of course fails because it's trying to assign a URL to a ComboBox.

To fix, just change the name of the combo box:

private ComboBox<String> locationCombo ;

and similarly for the fx:id attribute in your FXML file.

JavaFX Controller class variables not binding to their FXML counterparts

Your ComboBox fxml part should have fx:id attribute set:

<ComboBox fx:id="cb_02"

This id should have EXACTLY same name as your variable in Controller class.

See tutorial for details:

Cant I move JavaFX controllers into package that is not the base package. Maven

The FXMLLoader creates the controller via reflection, so the package containing the controller needs to be open to the javafx.fxml module. You need

opens to javafx.fxml ;

in the file, as stated in the stack trace.

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