How to Obtain Method Parameter Name Using Java Reflection

Can I obtain method parameter name using Java reflection?

To summarize:

  • getting parameter names is possible if debug information is included during compilation. See this answer for more details
  • otherwise getting parameter names is not possible
  • getting parameter type is possible, using method.getParameterTypes()

For the sake of writing autocomplete functionality for an editor (as you stated in one of the comments) there are a few options:

  • use arg0, arg1, arg2 etc.
  • use intParam, stringParam, objectTypeParam, etc.
  • use a combination of the above - the former for non-primitive types, and the latter for primitive types.
  • don't show argument names at all - just the types.

How to get parameter names with Java reflection

To get the method i of a class C you call C.class.getMethods()[i].toString().

EDIT: Obtaining parameter names is not possible using the reflection API.

But wen you compiled your class with debug information, it is possible to extract the information from bytecode. Spring does it using the ASM bytecode engineering library.

See this answer for further information.

How can I get the parameter name in java at run time

Starting from Java 8, you can use Reflection API to retrieve parameters names:

Method someMethod = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("someMethod");
Parameter[] parameters = someMethod.getParameters();
for(Parameter parameter : parameters)

Also, see JavaDoc of Parameter#getName():

Returns the name of the parameter. If the parameter's name is present, then this method returns the name provided by the class file. Otherwise, this method synthesizes a name of the form argN, where N is the index of the parameter in the descriptor of the method which declares the parameter.

Getting the name of a method parameter

Parameter names are available if you have told the compiler to include them (compile with debug information). Spring has ParameterNameDiscoverer which can help you obtain the names. The default implementation uses asm ClassReader to do so.

With javac you should include the -g argument to include debug information. With Eclipse I think it is there by default; it can be configured using the preferences: Java -> Compiler and then enable "Store information about method parameters (usable via reflection)" (see also this answer).

Some frameworks use this. For example spring-mvc has @RequestParam which defaults to the param name, if resolvable. It also supports explicit naming - @RequestParam("foo") in case no debug information is provided.

Is there a way to obtain names of method parameters in Java?

We created a custom annotation for the method that holds a String[] of parameter names. This approach felt a little easier to manage than having to annotate each individual parameter. We plan to add build-time checking that the number of annotated parameter names matches the number of arguments, since that it what we require.

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